Pattern Associations

Description:-Pattern association is the process of memorizing input-output patterns in a heteroassociative network  architecture, or input patterns only in anautoassociative network, in order to recall the patterns when a new input pattern is presented. It is not required that the new input pattern be exactly the same as one that is memorized. It can be different, but similar to it. Three exemplar patterns are shown in figure 4.27. After memorizing them in a system, a new pattern is presented, a corrupted variant of the pattern 3. An associative memory system should associate this pattern with one of the memorized patterns. This is a task for an autoassociative network architecture.

Autoassociative neuronal architectures can be realized either by feedforward, or feedback networks.Hopfield networks and Boltzman machines are two examples of autoassociative networks. Other types of pattern associators are the heteroassociative network architectures. One of them is the bidirectional associative memory (BAM) (Kosko 1988).