General Iteration Method

We define the error of approximation at the kth iterate as εk = xk – α, k = 0, 1, 2,...

Subtracting (1.8) from (1.9), we obtain

                                                                                 xk 1 – α  =  φ(xk) – φ(α).....................2.0

        = (xk – α)φ′(tk)          (using the mean value theorem)........................ 2.1     



Setting k = k – 1, we get




Using (2.1) recursively, we get


The initial error ε0 is known and is a constant. We have                  






For convergence, we require that | εk 1 | → 0 as k → ∞. This result is possible, if and only if c < 1. Therefore, the iteration method (1.9) converges, if and only if 



                                                      | φ′(x) | ≤ c < 1, for all x in the interval (a, b).  

We can test this condition using x0, the initial approximation, before the computations are done.

Let us now check whether the methods (1.5), (1.6), (1.7) converge to a root in (0, 1) of the equation f(x) = x3 – 5x 1 = 0.