Multi Channel Queuing Model: M / M / C: (∞ / Fcfs)

Introduction: Customers are generated by limited pool of potential customers i.e. finite population. The total customer’s population is M and n represents the number of customers already in the system (waiting line), any arrival must come from M - n number that is not yet in the system.

Multi-channel queuing model:

  • Here the length of waiting line depends on the number of channels engaged.
  •          In case the number of customers in the system is less than the number of channels i.e. n < c, then there will be no problem of waiting and the rate of servicing will be nμ as only n channels are busy, each servicing at the rate m. In case n = c, all the channels will be working and when n c, then n .
  •          c elements will be in the waiting line and the rate of service will be cμ as all the c channels are busy. Various formulae we have to use in this type of models are:

  •         Average number of units in waiting line of the system = E (n) = [ρ pc /(1− ρ)2 ] = {[ λ μ ( λ /μ ) ]/[( c-1)!( c μ- λ)2 ]} p0 ( λ /μ )
  •         Average number in the queue = E (L) = [ pcρ/(1− ρ)2 ] C.μ ={[λ.μ.(λ /μ)c ]/[(c −1)! (cμ − λ)2 ]} p
  •         Average queue length = Average number of units in waiting line number of units in service
  •          Average waiting time of an arrival = E (w) = (Average number of units in waiting line) / λ =
  •         (Average number of items in the queue) / λ = [( pcρ) / λ (1− ρ)] (C.μ / λ) μ× λ μ c c cμ − λ 2 × p μ
  •        Probability that all the channels are occupied = p (n c) = [1/(1− ρ)] pc = [μ× (λ /μ)c ]p0 /[(c −1)!(cμ − λ)]
  •         Probability that some units has to wait = p (n c 1) = [ρ pc /(1− ρ)] = 1− p(n c) =1−[μ×(λ /μ)c ] p0 /[(c i)!(cμ − λ)]
  • The average number of units which actually wait in the system =
  •     Average number of idle channels = c . Average number of items served Efficiency of M/M/c model: = (Average number of items served) / (Total number of channels) Utilization factor = ρ = (λ / cμ)