Types Of Sequencing Problems
Sequencing model is the another part of operation research which is not include in linear programming, used to minimise the production time and maximise the profit.
Sequencing model:
a) In sequencing model, the order or sequence in which the jobs are to be processed through machines so as to minimize the total processing time.
b) the total effectiveness, which may be the time or cost that is to be minimized is the function of the order of sequence. Such type of problem is known as SEQUENCING PROBLEM.
Types of sequencing problem:
There are various types of sequencing problems arise in real world. All sequencing problems cannot be solved.
Though mathematicians and Operations Research scholars are working hard on the problem satisfactory method of solving problem is available for few cases only.
The problems, which can be solved, are:
(a) ‘n’ jobs are to be processed on two machines say machine A and machine B in the order AB. This means that the job is to be processed first on machine A and then on machine B.
(b) ‘n’ jobs are to be processed on three machines A, B and C in the order ABC i.e. first on machine A, second on machine B and third on machine C.
(c) ‘n’ jobs are to be processed on ‘m’ machines in the given order
(d) Two jobs are to be processed on ‘m’ machines in the given order.