Physics for Engineers - 2

Experimental Verification:compton Effect

Experimental verification:Compton Effect:  Consider the experimental set up shown in the following figure. The monochromatic X-rays from a molybdenum target of an X-rays tube are made to fall on a carbon scatterer (graphite) and the corresponding λ values are calculated using
Bragg’s law. The scattered X-ray is observed at the ionization chamber or X-ray detector to to measure its intensity. Compton found that the spectrum recorded after scattering had Ka λ’ line (corresponding toλ’) which is on the longer wavelength side of primary Ka line
(corresponding to λ) as shown in figure.

He also observed that the change in wavelength Δλ increased rapidly as the scattering angle : increased;  the change in wavelength Δλ was independent of λ.