Charts For Attributes Such As (P,c Charts)

The p chart:

For each sample (subgroup) the failure proportion (p) is calculated and charted in the control chart. The failure proportion is calculated as shown below:


NF=number of failures in the sample

n=sample size (number inspected in sub group)

Construction of control limits is done as follows:





TNF=Total Number of Failures in all the samples inspected

TNI=Total Number Inspected (the sum of all samples).


  • For varying sample sizes the control limits vary from sample to sample.
  • If varying control limits may give problems to the users then plan for fixed sample sizes.
  • For small variations (±20%) using the average sample size is recommended. The benefit of using the average sample size is that the control limits are constant from sample to sample.


The np chart:

For each sample the number of failures (np=the number of non-conforming units) is counted and charted in the control chart. Construction of the control limits is done as follows: