Quality Control Engineering

Iso 9000 Standard Series

ISO 9000

In 1979, ISO established Technical Committee 176 to develop a generic set of quality system management standards. The original committee had 20 participating members and 14 observing members.This committee relied heavily on the U.K. standard BSI 5750 as a guide to developing the ISO 9000 series of standards. The first ISO 9000 series of standards was published in 1987. A revised version was published in 1994.

The ISO 9000 series of standards has been translated into various languages and is known by different names in different countries. A list of some of the different names by which the ISO 9000 series is known is provided in Table 20-1. Note that most of the national versions bear some code number that includes 9000 or 90. Also note that the European Community has adopted its own version of the standard series, EN 29000.


Components of ISO 9000 Standard Series

The standards in the ISO 9000 Series are intended to provide a generic core of quality system standards applicable to a broad range of industry and economic sectors. They are not standards for products. Instead, they are standards for governing quality management systems. Therefore, products do not meet ISO 9000 standards; organizations do.