Systems Reliability (Series & Parallel System)

If a system consists of 3 components A, B, C in series, then the reliability of the system,

RS = RA . RB . RC


System Connected in Parallel

Here the function of A can be done by B or vice versa. If the system consists of components A and B in parallel with reliability RA and RB, then the reliability of the system,

RS = [1 – (1 – RA)(1 – RB)]

If n components are connected in parallel,

RS = [1 – (1 – RA)(1 – RB) ...... (1 – Rn)]

If RA = RB = ...... R, then

RS = [1 – (1 – Rn)]

Also (1 – RS) = (1 – Rn).

Prove that the failure rate of the system = the sum of the failure rates of the components of the system.


P.T. for a series system, the failure rates are additive :

i.e., P.T. λS = λA λB ...... λn.


Let RS, RA, RB ...... be reliability of the system and its component parts A, B and C so on.

For independent components in series and exponentially distributed failure rate,

RS = RA . RB . RC ...(1)

If λS, λA, λB, λC ...... are the failure rate of the system and its component parts for a mean time ‘tm’.

From eqn. (1),

e− λStm = (e− λAtm ) . (e− λBtm ) . (e− λCtm ) ......

e− λStm = e− λtm A λB λC ......)

eλS = eA λB λC ......)

Since the bases are save, by comparing L.H.S. and R.H.S., we equal the powers,

λS = λA λB λC ......

Hence proved.