Execution Time

Execution Time: Another temporal parameter of a job, Ji , is its execution time, ei . ei is the amount of time required to complete the execution of Ji when it executes alone and has all the resources it requires. Hence, the value of this parameter depends mainly on the complexity of the job and the speed of the processor used to execute the job, not on how the job is scheduled.

The actual amount of time required by a job to complete its execution may vary for many reasons. As examples, a computation may contain conditional branches, and these conditional branches may take different amounts of time to complete. The branches taken during the execution of the computation job depend on the input data. If the underlying system has performance enhancing features (e.g., cache memory and pipeline), the amount of time a computation takes to complete may vary each time it executes even when it has no conditional branches. For these reasons, the actual execution time of a computation job is unknown until it completes. Similarly, the actual amount of time to transmit each frame of a MPEGcompressed video is different from frame to frame because the numbers of bits used to encode different frames are different. The actual execution time of the job modeling the transmission of a frame is unknown a priori. What can be determined a priori through analysis and measurement are the maximum and minimum amounts of time required to complete each job.

In other words, we know that the execution time ei of the job Ji is in the range [ei, ei ],where ei and ei are the minimum execution time and the maximum execution time of Ji ,respectively. We usually assume that we know ei and ei of every hard real-time job Ji but the actual execution time of the job is unknown.

For the purpose of determining whether each job can always complete by its deadline, knowing the maximum execution time of each job often suffices. For this reason, in most deterministic models used to characterize hard real-time applications, the term execution time ei of each job Ji specifically means its maximum execution time. We will also use this term in this sense most of the time. However, except where we state otherwise, we never mean that the actual execution time of the job is fixed and known, only that it never exceeds ei .

You may want to question at this point the accuracy of deterministic models which assume that every job takes its maximum execution time to complete. If we design our system based on this assumption and allocate this much time to each job, the processor(s) will surely be underutilized. This statement is clearly true sometimes. We will encounter applications where the variations in job execution times are so large that working with their maximum values indeed yields unacceptably conservative designs. We should not model such applications deterministically. More importantly, as you will see in Chapter 4, in some systems the
response times of some jobs may be larger when the actual execution times of some jobs are smaller than their maximum values. In these cases, we will have to deal with the variations in execution times explicitly.

However, there are two good reasons for the common use of the deterministic approach. Many hard real-time systems are safety-critical. These systems are typically designed and implemented in a such a way that the variations in job execution times are kept as small as possible. The need to have relatively deterministic execution times places many restrictions on implementation choices. (For example, the programs cannot use dynamic structures that can lead to variable execution time and memory usage; performance-enhancing features are not used.) By working with these restrictions and making the execution times of jobs almost deterministic, the designer can model more accurately the application system deterministically. In return, the deterministic approach makes the validation of the resultant system easier.

The other reason for the common use of the deterministic approach is that the hard realtime portion of the system is often small. The timing requirements of the rest of the system are soft. In this case, an option is to design the hard real-time subsystem based on its worstcase processor time and resource requirements even though their actual requirements may be much smaller. We can then use the methods and tools supported by the deterministic models to ensure that the hard timing constraints will surely be met at all times. We also can safely reclaim the time and resources allocated to but not used by hard real-time jobs and make the reclaimed time and resources available to soft real-time jobs and nonreal-time jobs. In this way, the system will not be overdesigned with underutilized resources.