Real Time Systems

Hard Real Time Systems

HARD REAL-TIME SYSTEMS: The requirement that all hard timing constraints must be validated invariably places many restrictions on the design and implementation of hard real-time applications as well as on the architectures of hardware and system software used to support them. To justify this requirement, this section examines briefly several examples of hard real-time systems and discuss why hard timing constraints are imposed and why users require their satisfaction be validated and guaranteed.

Some Reasons for Requiring Timing Guarantees: Many embedded systems are hard real-time systems. Deadlines of jobs in an embedded system are typically derived from the required responsiveness of the sensors and actuators monitored and controlled by it. As an example, we consider an automatically controlled train. It cannot stop instantaneously. When the signal is red (stop), its braking action must be activated a certain distance away from the signal post at which the train must stop. This braking distance depends on the speed of the train and the safe value of deceleration. From the speed and safe deceleration of the train, the controller can compute the time for the train to travel the braking distance. This time in turn imposes a constraint on the response time of the jobs which sense and process the stop signal and activate the brake. No one would question that this timing constraint should be hard and that its satisfaction must be guaranteed.

Similarly, each control-law computation job of a flight controller must be completed in time so that its command can be issued in time. Otherwise, the plane controlled by it may become oscillatory (and the ride bumpy) or even unstable and uncontrollable. For this reason, we want the timely completion of all control-law computations guaranteed.

Jobs in some nonembedded systems may also have hard deadlines. An example is a critical information system that must be highly available: The system must never be down for more than a minute. Because of this requirement, reconfiguration and recovery of database servers and network connections in the system must complete within a few seconds or tens of seconds, and this relative deadline is hard.

A frequently asked question is how serious is the consequence of a few missed deadlines. A real-time monitor may nevertheless function satisfactorily when some sensor readings are not processed or lost. A single late recovery job may not cause an information system to crash. We surely have more design options and can make the system better in some other respect and make it less costly if some of the hard timing requirements are relaxed, even to a small degree.

In recent years, this observation motivated a variety of approaches to soften hard deadlines. Examples are to allow a few missed deadlines (e.g., [HaRa]) or premature terminations (e.g., [LLSB, LLSC]) as long as they occur in some acceptable way. We will discuss some of these approaches in Chapter 10. Needless to say, these approaches can be applied only when application domain experts know the effects of missed deadlines. Unfortunately, this is sometimes not the case. Even for some simple monitor and control applications, it is difficult to assess the effects of lost sample readings and late commands. In more complex systems, such as the NAVSTAR system,1 the effect of missed deadlines may be combined with other factors in ways impossible to predict. Consequently, the designer makes sure that the system misses no deadline as long as it is in operation. The hard real-time requirement in fact simplifies the process of validating the overall system.

In general, if safety or property loss is involved, the designer/builder of the system has the burden of proof that bad things will never happen. Whenever it is not possible to prove without doubt that a few timing constraint violations will not jeopardize the safety of users or availability of some critical infrastructure, we take the safe approach and insist on the satisfaction of all timing constraints, even though the requirement may be unnecessarily stringent.

More on Hard Timing Constraints
The above examples also show that there may be no advantage in completing a job with a hard deadline early. As long as the job completes by its deadline, its response time is not important. In fact, it is often advantageous, sometimes even essential, to keep jitters in the response times of a stream of jobs small. In this case, we do not want to complete the jobs too early or too late. In later chapters, you will see that we often choose to delay the start and completion of hard real-time jobs, in favor of soft real-time or background jobs, and this is the reason. In principle, our definition of hard and soft timing constraints allows a hard timing constraint to be specified in any terms. Examples are

1. deterministic constraints (e.g., the relative deadline of every control-law computation is 50 msec or the response time of at most one out of five consecutive control-law computations exceeds 50 msec);
2. probabilistic constraints, that is, constraints defined in terms of tails of some probability distributions (e.g., the probability of the response time exceeding 50 milliseconds is less than 0.2); and
3. constraints in terms of some usefulness function (e.g., the usefulness of every controllaw computation is 0.8 or more).

In practice, hard timing constraints are rarely specified in the latter two ways. We mostly use deterministic hard timing constraints in this book, as in real-time systems literature.