Real Time Systems

Open System Architecture

Objectives and Alternatives: Ideally, a real-time operating system should create an open environment. Here, by an open environment, we mean specifically one in which the following development and configuration processes are feasible.

  1. Independent Design Choice: The developer of a real-time application that is to run in an open environment can use a scheduling discipline best suited to the application to schedule the threads in the application and control their contention for resources used only by the application.
  2. Independent Validation: To determine the schedulability of an application, its developer can assume that the application runs alone on a virtual processor that is the same as the target processor but has a speed that is only a fraction 0 < s < 1 of the speed of the target processor. In other words, if the maximum execution time of a thread is e on the target processor, then the execution time used in the schedulability analysis is e/s. The minimum speed at which the application is schedulable is the required capacity of the application.
  3. Admission and Timing Guarantee: The open system always admits nonreal-time applications. Each real-time application starts in the nonreal-timemode. After initialization, a real-time application requests to execute in the real-time mode by sending an admission request to the operating system. In this request, the application informs the operating system of its required capacity, plus a few overall timing parameters of the application. (In the open environment described below, the parameters are the shortest relative deadline, the maximum execution time of all nonpreemptable sections, the presence or absence of sporadic threads and, if its periodic tasks have release-time jitters, an upper bound on release-time jitters.) The operating system subjects the requesting application to a simple but accurate acceptance test. If the application passes the test, the operating system switches the application to run in real-time mode. Once in real-time mode, the operating system guarantees the schedulability of the application, regardless of the behavior of the other applications in the system.

In short, independently developed and validated hard real-time applications can be configured at run time to run together with soft real-time and nonreal-time applications.

We recall that the fixed-time partitioning scheme discussed in Section 6.8.7 is a way to achieve the above goal and has been used to allow safety-critical applications to run together with nonsafety-critical applications. According to that scheme, we partition time into slots and confine the execution of each application in the time slots allocated to the application. We saw in Section 6.8.7 that if applications do not share any global resource (i.e., resources shared by tasks in different applications) and the time slots are assigned to applications on the TDM (Time-Division Multiplexing) basis, we can determine the schedulability of each application independently of other applications. The number of slots per round an application requires to be schedulable is then its required capacity. An application can be admitted into the system whenever the system has enough spare time slots per round to meet the required capacity of the application. The key parameter of the fixed-time partitioning scheme is the length of the time slots. Obviously, this length should be smaller than the shortest relative deadline of all applications. The shorter the time slots, the closer the system emulates a slower virtual processor for each application, but the higher the context-switch overhead. Hence, using the fixed-time partitioning scheme, we cannot accommodate stringent response time requirements without paying high overhead. Modern operating systems typically provide prioritydriven scheduling. Some kind of middleware is needed to put the time-driven scheme on them.

The remainder of this section describes a uniprocessor open system architecture that uses the two-level priority-driven scheme described in Section 7.9. That scheme emulates infinitesmally fine-grain time slicing (often called fluid-flow processing sharing) and can accommodate stringent response time requirements. Deng, et al. [DLZS] implemented a prototype open system based on the architecture by extending theWindows NT operating systems. The prototype demonstrates that the architecture can easily be incorporated into any modern operating system to make the operating system open for real-time applications and still remain backward compatible for existing nonreal-time applications. By using a two-level scheme in a similar way to schedule messages to and from networks (e.g., Zhang, et al. [ZLDP] give a scheme for scheduling periodic messages overMyrinet), the architecture can be extended into a distributed one.