Other Basic Operating System Functions

This section continues our discussion on operating system services that are essential for all but the simplest embedded applications. Specifically, it discusses real-time issues in communication and synchronization, software interrupt, memory management, I/O, and networking.

Communication and Synchronization: As they execute, threads communicate (i.e., they exchange control information and data). They synchronize in order to ensure that their exchanges occur at the right times and under the right conditions and that they do not get into each other’s way. Shared memory, message queues, synchronization primitives (e.g., mutexes, conditional variables, and semaphores), and events and signals are commonly used mechanisms for these purposes.14 Almost all operating systems provide a variety of them in one form or the other. (The only exceptions are singlethreaded executives intended solely for small and deterministic embedded applications.)

This subsection discusses message queues and mutexes and reader/writer locks, leaving events and signals to the next subsection. We skip shared memory entirely. Shared memory provides a low-level, high-bandwidth and low-latency means of interprocess communication. It is commonly used for communication among not only processes that run on one processor but also processes that run on tightly coupled multiprocessors. (An example of the latter is radar signal processing. A shared memory between signal and data processors makes the large number of track records produced by signal processors available to the tracking process running on the data processor or processors.)We gloss over this scheme because we have little that is specific to real-time applications to add to what has already been said about it in the literature. (As an example, Gallmeister [Gall] has a concise and clear explanation on how to use shared memory in general and in systems that are compliant to POSOX real-time extensions in specific.) The little we have to add is the fact that real-time applications sometimes do not explicitly synchronize accesses to shared memory; rather, they rely on “synchronization by scheduling,” that is, threads that access the shared memory are so scheduled as to make explicit synchronization unnecessary. Thus, the application developer transfers the burden of providing reliable access to shared memory from synchronization to scheduling and schedulability analysis. The cost is that many hard real-time requirements arise from this as a result and the system is brittle. Using semaphores and mutexes to synchronously access shared memory is the recommended alternative.

Message Queues. As its name tells us, a message queue provides a place where one or more threads can pass messages to some other thread or threads. Message queues provide a file-like interface; they are an easy-to-use means of many-to-many communication among threads. In particular, Real-Time POSIX message queue interface functions, such as mq send( ) and mq receive( ), can be implemented as fast and efficient library functions. By making message queues location transparent, an operating system can make this mechanism as easy to use across networked machines as on a single machine.

As an example of how message queues are used, we consider a system service provider. Message queues provide a natural way of communication between it and its clients. The service provider creates a message queue, gives the message queue a name, and makes this name known to its clients. To request service, a client thread opens the message queue and places its
Request-For-Service (RFS) message in the queue. The service provider may also use message queues as the means for returning the results it produces back to the clients. A client gets the result by opening the result queue and receiving the message in it.
Prioritization. You can see from the above example that message queues should be priority queues. The sending thread can specify the priority of its message in its send message call. (The parameters of the Real-Time POSIX send function mq send( ) are the name of the message queue, the location and length of the message, and the priority of the message.) The message will be dequeued before lower-priority messages. Thus, the service provider in our example receives the RFS messages in priority order.

Messages in Real-Time POSIX message queues have priorities in the range [0, MQ MAX PRIO], where the numberMQ MAX PRIO of message priorities is at least 31. (In contrast, noncompliant operating systems typically support only two priority levels: normal and urgent. Normal messages are queued in FIFO order while an urgent message is placed at the head of the queue.) It makes sense for an operating system to offer equal numbers of message and thread priorities.15 Some systems do. For the sake of simplicity, our subsequent discussion assumes equal numbers of threads and message priorities.

Message-Based Priority Inheritance. A message is not read until a receiving thread executes a receive [e.g., Real-Time POSIX mg receive( )]. Therefore, giving a low priority to a thread that is to receive and act upon a high-priority message is a poor choice in general, unless a schedulability analysis can show that the receiving thread can nevertheless complete in time. (Section 6.8.6 gives a scheme: You can treat the sending and receiving threads as two job segments with different priorities.)
A way to ensure consistent prioritization is to provide message-based priority inheritance, as QNX [QNX] does. A QNX server process (i.e., a service provider) receives messages in priority order. It provides a work thread to service each request. Each work thread inherits the priority of the request message, which is the priority of the sender. Real-Time POSIX does not support message-based priority inheritance. A way suggested by Gallmeister [Gall] to emulate this mechanism is to give the service provider the highest priority while it waits for messages. When it receives a message, it lowers its priority to the message priority. Thus, the service provider tracks the priorities of the requests.

No Block and Notification. A useful feature is nonblocking. The Real-Time POSIX message-queue send function mq send( ) is nonblocking. As long as there is room in a message queue for its message, a thread can call the send function to put a message into the queue and continue to execute. However, when the queue is full, the mq send( ) may block. To ensure that the send call will not block when the message queue is full, we set the mode of the message queue to nonblocking (i.e., O NONBLOCK). (The mode is an attribute of the message queue which can be set when the message queue is opened.) Similarly, by default, a thread is blocked if the message queue is empty when it calls mq receive( ). We can make the receive call nonblocking in the same manner.

Synchronization Mechanisms. Threads (and processes) synchronize using mutexes, reader/writer locks, conditional variables, and semaphores. Resources and Resource Access Control and Multiprocessor System Environment already discussed extensively protocols for controlling priority inversion that may occur when threads contend for these resources. This subsection describes a way to implement priority inheritance primitives for mutexes and reader/writer locks in a fixed-priority system. As you will see, the overhead of priority inheritance is rather high. Since the priority-ceiling protocol uses this mechanism, its overhead is also high (although not as high as simple priority inheritance since there is no transitive blocking). We will conclude the subsection by comparing priority inheritance protocol with the Ceiling-Priority Protocol (CPP). CPP is sometimes called a poor man’s priority-ceiling protocol; you will see why it is so called.