Predictability Of General Purpose Operating System

  • The initialization routine creates a kernel mode thread and sets the priority of the thread at a level specified by the device driver. The thread blocks waiting to be signaled by the ISR and, when signaled, it will execute the function provided by the device driver.
  • The function provided by the driver does the remaining part of interrupt handling when executed by the kernel thread.
  • When the interrupt service routine runs, it wakes up the kernel thread after servicing the device.

Asynchronous Procedure Calls and LPC Mechanism. Events are synchronous. Like Real-Time POSIX signals, events are queued and hence will not be lost if not handled immediately. Unlike Real-Time POSIX signals, however, they are delivered in FIFO order and do not carry data. APCs complement events to provide asynchronous services to applications as well as the kernel. Each (kernel or user) thread has its own APC queue, which enqueues the APCs that will be executed by the thread. When called to do so, the kernel inserts an APC in the queue of the specified thread and requests a software interrupt at the APC priority level, which is lower than the priority of the dispatcher (i.e., the scheduler) but higher than the priorities of normal threads. When the thread runs, it executes the enqueued APC. Since a thread is at the APC priority level while it is executing an APC, the thread is nonpreemptable by other threads during this time and may block higher-priority threads. Therefore, it is important that the execution times of APCs be kept as small as possible.

Another source of unpredictability in Windows NT is Local Procedure Calls (LPCs). This is an example of incorrect prioritization. LPCs provide the interprocess communication mechanism by which environment subsystem Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) pass requests to subsystem service providers. It is also used by remote procedure calls between processes on the same machine, as well as by the WinLogin process and security reference monitor. Specifically, the LPC mechanism provides three schemes to communicate data across address space boundaries. Short messages are sent over an LPC connection when the sending process or thread makes a LPC call which specifies the buffer containing the message. The message is copied into the kernel space and from there into the address space of the receiving process. The other schemes make use of shared memory sections and are for exchanges of long messages between the sender and receiver.

Since the LPC queue is FIFO ordered, priority inversion can occur when a thread sends a request over an LPC connection to a service provider. Furthermore, without priority tracking, a service provider thread which was created to service a request from a high-priority thread may execute at a nonreal-time or low real-time priority.

We can avoid this kind of priority inversion only by avoiding the use of the LPC mechanism. In NT 4.0, the Win32 API functions that use LPC to communicate with subsystem service providers are (1) console (text) window support, (2) process and thread creation and termination, (3) network drive letter mapping, and (4) creation of temporary files. This means that a time-critical application should not write to the console, create and delete threads, and create temporary files. A multimode application must create and initialize threads that may run in all modes at initialization time. This restriction not only further increases the memory demand of the system but also reduces the configurability of the system.