Real Time Systems

Processors Reserves And Resource Kernel

One can easily argue that a real-time operating system should support as options admission control, resource reservation, and usage enforcement for applications that can afford the additional size and complexity of the option. By monitoring and controlling the workload, the operating system can guarantee the real-time performance of applications it admits into the system. This is the objective of the CPU capacity-reservation mechanism proposed by Mercer, et al. [MeST] to manage quality of services of multimedia applications. Rajkumar, et al. [RKMO] have since extended the CPU reserve abstraction to reserves of other resources and used it as the basis of resource kernels. In addition to Real-TimeMach, NT/RK19 also provides resource kernel primitives. Commercial operating systems do not support this option.

Resource Model and Reservation Types: A resource kernel presents to applications a uniform model of all time-multiplexed resources, for example, CPU, disk, network link. We been calling these resources processors and will continue to do so.

An application running on a resource kernel can ensure its real-time performance by reserving the resources it needs to achieve the performance. To make a reservation on a processor, it sends the kernel a request for a share of the processor. The kernel accepts the request only when it can provide the application with the requested amount on a timely basis. Once the kernel accepts the request, it sets aside the reserved amount for the application and guarantees the timely delivery of the amount for the duration of the reservation.

Reservation Specification. Specifically, each reservation is specified by parameters e, p, and D: The reservation is for e units (of CPU time, disk blocks, bits or packets, and so on) in every period of length p, and the kernel is to provide the e units of every period (i.e., every instance of the reservation) within a relative deadline D. Let φ denote the first time instant when the reservation for the processor is to be made and L denote the length of time for which the reservation remains. The application presents to the kernel the 5-tuple (φ, p, e, D, L) of parameters when requesting a reservation.

In addition to the parameters of individual reservations, the kernel has an overall parameter B for each type of processor. As a consequence of contention for nonpreemptable resources (such as buffers and mutexes), entities executing on the processor may block each other. B is the maximum allowed blocking time. (B is a design parameter. It is lower bounded by the maximum duration of time entities using the processor holding nonpreemptable resources. Hence, the larger B is, the less restriction is placed on applications using the processor, but the larger fraction of processor capacity becomes unavailable to reservations.) Every reservation request implicitly promises never to hold any nonpreemptable resources so long as to block higher-priority reservations on the processor for a duration longer than B, and the kernel monitors the usage of all resources so it can enforce this promise.

As an example, let us look at CPU reservation. From the resource kernel point of view, each CPU reservation (p, e, D) is analogous to a bandwidth-preserving server with period p and execution budget e whose budget must be consumed within D units of time after replenishment. Any number of threads can share a CPU reservation, just as any number of jobs may be executed by a server. In addition to the CPU, threads may use nonpreemptable resources. The kernel must use some means to control priority inversion. The specific protocol it uses is unimportant for the discussion here, provided that it keeps the duration of blocking bounded.

Maintenance and Admission Control. If all the threads sharing each CPU reservation are scheduled at the same priority (i.e., at the priority of the reservation), as it is suggested in [RKMO], each CPU reservation behaves like a bandwidth-preserving server. The kernel can use any bandwidth-preserving server scheme that is compatible with the overall scheduling algorithm to maintain each reservation. The budget consumption and busy interval tracking mechanisms described in Figure 12–7 are useful for this purpose.

The simplest way is to replenish each CPU reservation periodically. After granting a reservation (p, e, D), the kernel sets the execution budget of the reservation to e and sets a timer to expire periodically with period p. Whenever the timer expires, it replenishes the budget (i.e., sets the budget in the reserve back to e). Whenever any thread using the reservation executes, the kernel decrements the budget. It suspends the execution of all threads sharing the reservation when the reservation no longer has any budget and allows their execution to resume after it replenishes the budget. You may have noticed that we have just described the budget consumption and replenishment rules of the deferrable server algorithm. (The algorithm was described in Section 7.2.) In general, threads sharing a reservation may be scheduled at different fixed priorities. This choice may make the acceptance test considerably more complicated, however. If budget replenishment is according to a sporadic server algorithm, budget replenishment also becomes complicated.

The connection-oriented approach is a natural way to maintain and guarantee a network reservation. A network reservation with parameters p, e, and D is similar to a connection on which the flow specification is (p, e, D). After accepting a network reservation request, the kernel establishes a connection and allocates the required bandwidth to the connection. By scheduling the message streams on the connection according to a rate-based (i.e., bandwidthpreserving) algorithm, the kernel can make sure that the message streams on the connection will receive the guaranteed network bandwidth regardless of the traffic on other connection.

Types of Reservation. In addition to parameters p, e, and D, Real-Time Mach also allows an application to specify in its reservation request the type of reservation: hard, firm, or soft. Thus, it specifies the action it wants the kernel to take when the reservation runs out of budget.

The execution of all entities sharing a hard reservation are suspended when the reservation has exhausted its budget. In essence, a hard reservation does not use any spare processor capacity. A hard network reservation is rate controlled; its messages are not allowed to transmit above the reserved rate even when spare bandwidth is available. We make hard reservations for threads, messages, and so on, when completion-time jitters need to be kept small and early completions have no advantage.

In contrast, when a firm reservation (say a CPU reservation) exhausts its budget, the kernel schedules the threads using the reservation in the background of reservations that have budget and threads that have no reservation. When a soft reservation runs out of budget, the kernel lets the threads using the reservation execute along with threads that have no reservation and other reservations that no longer have budget; all of them are in the background of reservations that have budget. A firm or soft network reservation is rate allocated. We make firm and soft reservations when we want to keep the average response times small. Rajkumar, et al. [RKMO] also suggested the division of reservations into immediate reservations and normal reservations. What we have discussed thus far are normal reservations. An immediate reservation has a higher priority than all normal reservations. We will return shortly to discuss the intended use of immediate reservations.