
QNX is one of the few multiprocessor operating systems suitable for real-time applications that requires high-end, networked SMP machines with gigabytes of physical memory. Its microkernel provides essential thread and real-time services. Other operating system services are provided by optional components called resource managers. For example, in the recent version, called Neutrino, the microkernel supports only threads. A process manager is needed to support processes that are memory-protected from each other, and the process manager is optional. Because optional components can be excluded at run time, the operating system can be scaled down to a small size. (The QNX 4.x microkernel is 12 kilobytes in size.)

QNX is a message-passing operating system; messages are the basic means of interprocess communication among all threads. Section 12.3.1 already talked about its message-based priority inheritance feature. This is the basic mechanism for priority tracking: Messages are delivered in priority order and the service provider executes at the priority of the highest priority clients waiting for service.

QNX implements POSIX message queues outside the kernel but implements QNX’s message passing within the kernel. QNX messages are sent and received over channels and connections. When a service provider thread wants to receive messages, it first creates a channel. The channel is named within the service provider by a small integer identifier. To request service from a service provider, a client thread first attaches to the service provider’s channel. This attachment is called a connection to the channel. Within the client, this connection is mapped directly to a file descriptor. The client can then send its RFS messages over the connection, in other words, directly to the file descriptor.

While POSIX messages are queued and the senders are not blocked, QNX’s message send and receive functions are blocking. A thread that calls the QNX send function MsgSendv( ) is blocked until the receiving thread executes a receive MsgReceivev( ), processes the message, and then executes a MsgReply( ). Similarly, a thread that executes a MsgReceive( ) is blocked if there is no pending message waiting on the channel and becomes unblocked when another thread executes a MsgSend( ). The blocking and synchronous nature of message passing eliminates the need of data queueing and makes a separate call by the client to wait for response unnecessary. Each message is copied directly to the receiving thread’s address space without intermediate buffering. Hence, the speed of message passing is limited only by the hardware speed. You recall that the thread used to process a message inherits the priority of the sender. Therefore, for the purpose of schedulability analysis, we can treat the client and the server as if they were a single thread with their combined execution time.

Neutrino also supports fixed-size, nonblocking messages. These messages are called pulses. QNX’s own event notification mechanism, as well as some of the POSIX and realtime signals, use pulses. Like QNX messages, pulses are received over channels. In addition to thread-level synchronization primitives, Neutrino provides atomic operations for adding and subtracting a value, setting and clearing a bit, and complementing a bit. Using these operations, we can minimize the need for disabling interrupts and preemptions for the purpose of ensuring atomicity.