Real Time Systems


A man on the street may not know VxWorks by name but most likely knows one of its applications, as it was the operating system used on Mars Pathfinder, which NASA sent to Mars in 1997. You recall that after Pathfinder landed on Mars and started to respond to ground commands and take science and engineering data, its computer repeatedly reset itself. This frequent reset made worldwide news daily. Fortunately, JPL and VxWorks were able to pinpoint the problem. This was done with the aid of a trace generation and logging tool and extensive instrumentation of major services (such as pipe, message queues, and interrupt handling), which were used during debugging and testing and were left in the system. They fixed the problem on the ground and thus saved the day for Pathfinder. According to Glenn Reeves, the Mars Pathfinder flight software cognizant engineer [Reev],26 the cause was the classical uncontrolled priority inversion problem. Although VxWorks provides priority inheritance, the mechanism was disabled. The prolonged blocking experienced by a high-priority task caused it to miss its deadline, and the computer was reset as a consequence. The fix was, of course, to enable priority inheritance.

Before moving on, we want make a couple of parenthetical remarks on lessons learned from this incident. First, we cannot rely on testing to determine whether tasks can complete in time and how often a task may be late. (The computer reset behavior was observed only once during the months of testing on the ground. It was deemed infrequent enough to not warrant concern before Pathfinder left the ground.) Second, it is good practice to leave the instrumentation code added for debugging and testing purposes in the deployed system. System and software engineering experts can give you numerous reasons for doing so, not just so that you can use it to debug the system after it is deployed.

Back to VxWorks, the Pathfinder incident highlights the fact that VxWorks allows us to disable major function such as memory protection and priority inheritance. You can specify what options are to be enabled and what options are to be disabled via global configuration parameters. In the case of Pathfinder, the global configuration variable is the one that specifies whether priority inheritance is enabled for mutual exclusion semaphores. Once this option is set, priority inheritance is enabled or disabled as specified for all mutual exclusion semaphores created afterwards.

VxWorks is a monolithic system. It is not a UNIX system but provides most interface functions defined by POSIX real-time extensions. As we mentioned earlier, an operating system’s own API function may have more features than the corresponding POSIX function. An example is the timeout feature of Wind semaphores, the operating system’s own semaphores. A parameter of the take-semaphore semTake( ) function is the amount time the calling task is willing to wait for the semaphore. The value of this parameter can be NO WAIT, WAIT FOREVER, or a positive timeout value. Indeed, many VxWorks API functions (e.g., message queues) have the timeout feature. Another feature of Wind semaphores is deletion safety, that is, the prevention of a task from being deleted while it is in a critical section. A task can prevent itself from being accidentally deleted while it is holding a semaphore by specifying SEM DELETE SAFE in its take-semaphore call.

A VxWorks feature that was mentioned earlier is preemption lock. The operating system also provides similar functions [i.e., intLock( ) and intUnlock( )] which a task can call to enable and disable interrupts. These functions makes the user-level implementation of the NPCS protocol easy.

While VxWorks is not a multiprocessor operating system, it provides shared-memory multiprocessing support as an option. Specifically, VxMP provides three types of sharedmemory objects: shared binary and counting semaphores, shared message queues, and sharedmemory partitions. They can be used for synchronization and communication among tasks in static multiprocessor systems.

VxWorks virtual memory exemplifies the kind of memory management options typically found in modern real-time operating systems. In a system with an MMU, the basic memory management provides virtual-to-physical address mapping. It allows you add new mappings and make portions of the memory noncacheable. (An example where this capability is needed is when we add memory boards to enlarge the shared memory for interprocessor communication. We want the portions of memory that are accessed by multiple processors and DMA devices to be noncacheable, that is, disallow any CPU to copy these portions into its data cache. This way, you do not have to maintain cache consistency manually or turn off caching globally.) Full-level memory management, including protection of text segments and the exception vector table and interfaces to the MMU, is provided by VxVMI, which is an optional component. By default, all tasks use a common context at system initiation time. A task can create a private virtual memory for the sake of protection by calling VxVMI functions to create a new virtual memory and update the address translation table. Thus an application can control access to its data or code as needed.

Finally, while LynxOS is a self-host system, the Tornado environment for VxWorks is a cross-development environment. Tornado provides an extensive set of development and performance monitoring and analysis tools. These memory-demanding tools reside on a host machine, separate from embedded applications, and therefore do not create the necessity of memory protection and paging/swapping as in LynxOS. However, host resident tools cannot access symbol tables on the target machine. For the purpose of creating a system that can be dynamically configured at run time, you must use the target-resident shell for development and you can configure module loader and unloader, symbol tables, and some debugging tools into VxWorks.