Integration Of Managment Principle

3 min read

Integration of management principles:

1.       Although the management principles of TQM and GE-six-sigmaare somewhat different, there is congruence among their quality principles, techniques, and culture.

2.       As a result, the integration of TQM and GE-six-sigmais not as difficult as it might seem.

3.       The critical task is to combine the best aspects of TQM continuous improvement with those of GE-six-sigmare-engineering. Although the activities of a quality Control circle (QCC) and quality improvement team (QIT) cannot achieve significant effects in themselves, they can cultivate quality concepts and team awareness among employees. Therefore, QCC and QIT can be performed by the operators and junior staff members to progress continuous improvements while focusing on daily operations and processes.


Integration of cultural changes:

1.       Both the implementations of TQM and GE-six-sigmawill bring the culture changes of the organization. However, GE-six-sigma also emphasizes an awareness of speed and innovation, and is heavily performance oriented.

2.       These cultural features are the critical factors in pursuing excellent performance, and in raising competitiveness. In contrast, these have been somewhat neglected previously by TQM. In the integrated model presented here, these cultural features will enhance the performance effects of TQM implementation.


 Effectiveness of Six-Sigma:

1.       The various methodologies used in Six Sigma are based on pure and precise data that help in reducing defects by restricting the number of possible defects to less than 3.4 defects per million.

2.       The methodologies are equally effective in both the manufacturing and service industries. In manufacturing industries, Six Sigma is mostly used for reducing the number of defects whereas in service industries, it is used mainly for increasing customer satisfaction.

3.       Although many companies remained successful in reducing the number of defects through Six Sigma, its effectiveness is still under trial amid discussions in the business communities of the world.

4.       Some management experts are of the opinion that the analytical and statistical tools used in Six Sigma focuses on flaws at the completion of any process and do not look at the basic defects of the process. According to them, other quality management tools such as Total Quality Management (TQM) and Six Sigma are conceptually very close to each other and can be effectively used by Business organizations to improve their overall quality.

5.       However, supporters of Six Sigma have a different viewpoint. They mostly prefer Six Sigma on the pretext that it is more than just a process improvement program and focuses on continuous quality improvements. They observe that Six Sigma concepts use the combination of statistical measurement tools with contemporary management techniques to achieve extraordinary results.