Kano Analysis

1 min read

Introduction: Selection process in six-sigma is intended to establish a context for the current quality and six sigma movements.

Kano Analysis:

Kano Analysis is one of the techniques that classifies the features/requirements into 3 categories namely-

A.       Must Haves

B.       Satisfiers

C.       Delighters


Must Haves: These are the basic needs that the customers expect in a product/service and therefore take it for granted. Its absence would cause extreme dissatisfaction, however more of it does not guarantee increased satisfaction.

Satisfiers: These are the specifications that increase customer satisfaction as more and more is added. For example-higher speed has better satisfaction.

Delighters: These are the real value add attributes that act as differentiators. The customer is not expecting them but their presence gives a “WOW” feeling.

This prioritization done through Kano analysis, then helps to allocate effort and bandwidth when identifying CTQs and focusing development.