Six Sigma

Phases Difining Methods

Example(Pacemaker Nonconformities):Pareto Charting (cont.):

Consider the following hypothetical list of non-fatal pacemaker failures, with rework or medical costs in parentheses: battery life ($350), irregular heart beat ($350), battery life ($350), electromagnetic shielding ($110K), and battery life

($350), discomfort ($350), battery life ($350), battery life ($350), battery life ($350), lethargy ($350), battery life ($350), battery life ($350), battery life ($350), battery life ($350), battery life ($150K), battery life ($350), and irregular heart beat

($350). Construct a Pareto chart and a cost Pareto chart, and comment on implications for project scope.

Answer: table shows the results of Steps 1-3 for both charting procedures. Note that there are probably not enough nonconformity types to make it desirable to create “other” categories.

The two types of Pareto charts.

 The Ordinary chart shows that focusing the project scope on the KOV battery life and the associated subsystem will probably affect the most people.

 The second chart suggests that shielding issues, while rare, might also be prioritized highly for attention.