Focussing On Systems Thinking



The new management model is nothing more than a discipline for seeing your entire organization: the interrelationships among people and processes.that determine success, and the patterns of change that demand vigilance.


Important points:

•      Know exactly what your customers require.

•      Have well-defined processes for translating those requireraents into internal actions.

•      Align ali of your tasks and processes along common goals and objectives.

•      Use key measures to manage by fact.

•      Involve everyone in continuous improvement.

•      Understand and improve ali your critical processes.

•      Satisfy your customers.

Most people are not used to thinking about their organizations in this way. We are dealing with comp!ex structures here, from the operation of a company to the dynamics of a changing marketplace. People struggle to understand how it all fits together. They puzzle över where to begin. They lack the discipline for seeing wholes.

"Systems thinking is the antidote to feeling overvvhelmed and helpless," Senge writes. "it offers a language that begins by restructuring how we think."