Total Quality Management (TQM)

Leaders, Who Are They?

The impact of leadership on corporate culture change:

  • Strong leadership relies on intuition and experience to deal with the various dynamic processes.
  • It is also heavily dependent on wanting things to happen and having a clear vision. It is also reflected by the ability to lead by example in shaping the right organisational climate fit for strong competitiveness and in making others feel wanted and important, so that they can contribute efficiently and effectively in making objectives realizable.
  • Corporate culture cannot be modified easily until all the other aspects of organisational systems have been set right.
  • Corporate culture is reflected everywhere within organisations and tends to reflect the sum total of what is good or bad about organisations.
  • In the context of TQM, the major focal point is the type of leadership which is inherent, since things can only happen if people at the top dearly wish them to do so.