Models Of Excellence- Customer Contacts



"Satisfied employees produce satisfied customers." in the old style of management, the one or two people who actually believed this statement interpreted it to mean that happy employees cared more about the quality of the widgets they were assembling than disgruntled employees did.




  • Solectron operates one of the world's largest surface mount facilities for the assembly of complex printed circuit boards and subsystems.
  • Its cus­tomers include manufacturers of computers, workstations, disk and tape drives, another equipment. it has 6,000 employees in Milpitas, California.
  • In 1990, Solectron won 11 superior performance awards frorn its customers. in 1991, it won the Baldrige Award.
  • The Milpitas facility won the California Governor's Golden State Quality Avvard in 1994. in 1996, Solectron's Austin facility won the Texas Quality Avvard, the Charlotte plant won the North Carolina Quality Leadership Avvard, and its Panang (Malaysia) facility won the Quality Management Excellence Award in Panang.
  • The Panang plant won the Prime Minister's Quality Avvard, a Malaysian avvard similar to the Baldrige Award, in 1997.


Randall's Food Markets:

  • Randall's Food Markets, Inc. has more than $1 billion in sales annually from 48 supermarkets, 46 of which are in the Houston area.
  • Its 12,000 employees serve more than a million customers each week.
  • Ran­dall's customer service orientation has helped it grow and flourish for 27 years, despite the up-and-down Houston economy.


Thomas Interior Systems

  • Thomas Interior Systems provides office planning and furnishings services to organizations of all sizes, through two locations in the Chicago metropolitan area. it has 70 employees.
  • The goal of the company is to be the leader in its industry, a goal it intends to reach by providing value-added office, environmental, and business tools that enhance the business productivity of its customers.