Quality Checkpoints And Quality Control Points- Introduction


Western managers are now aware of the importance of establishing a measuring system which includes measurements from the process (management as well as production processes) which enable the results and also measurements of the results. it is important that management and the employees in the various firms and processes take the time needed to determine whether the examples shown here can be used or whether there are alternative possibilities for both quality checkpoints and quality control points.



Examples of quality measures for the whole firm, i.e. general quality measures (measures which can be used for both the firm as whole and individual departments):

• Meeting delivery times as a % of filled orders.

• Number of complaints as a % of filled orders.

• Failure costs as a % of turnover or production value.

• Rate of personnel turnover.

• Number of absentee days as a % of total working days.

• Number of quality improvement suggestions per employee.

• Number of employees in quality improvement teams as a % of total employees.

• Number of hours allotted to education as a % of planned time.

Examples of quality measures in purchasing:

• Number of rejected deliveries as a % of total deliveries.

• Cost of wrong deliveries as a % of purchase value.

• Number of purchase orders with defects as a % of total orders.

• Production stops in time caused by wrong purchases in relation to total production time.

• Number of inventory days (rate of inventory turnover).

Examples of quality measures in production (in a broad sense, i.e. including the production of services):

• Used production time as a % of planned time.

• Failure costs as a % of production value.

• Number of repaired or scrapped products as a % of total produced products.

• Idle time as a % of total production time.

• Number of inventory days for semi-manufactured goods.

• Ancillary materials, e.g. lubricants, tools etc. as a % of production value.

• Number of invoiceable hours as a % of total time consumption.

• Number of injuries as a % of number of employees.

Examples of quality measures in administration and sales:

• Number of orders with defects as a % of total orders.

• Numbers of orders with errors as a % of total invoices.

• Number of credit notes as a % of total invoices.

• Service costs due to wrong use as a % of sales.

• Auxiliary materials/resources as a % of wage costs.

• Number of unsuccessful phone calls as a % of total calls.

• Number of debtor days.