The First Task Of A Leader: Setting The Corporate Identity


The role of leaders in any organisation is to form a corporate identity which will enable the company to compete and be recognized. Corporate identity is usually defined by a mission statement, which sets any business apart from rivals and main competitors. Campbell who wrote a book on ‘a sense of mission’ argues that a mission statement needs to reflect purpose, strategy, values and behaviour standards.


Transforming organisations towards successful competitiveness: The dual leadership rules:

  1. Governance and direction: chairman/board

Today's company

May have the following



Tomorrow's company

Should have the following


Bottom-up 'operations push' strategy or no clear strategy at all


Formulate a clear vision and strategy

Clear top-down 'vision-driven' strategy

Ineffectual 'custodial' board

Compose and lead an effective board

Strong board capable of helping the chairman to 'set the drumbeat' for the company

Unclear basic policies and weak 'cultural value' signals

Set a new 'drumbeat' of basic values, policies and priorities

Cultural values are visibly and constantly enacted by the chairman and all board members

Benchmarks and standards are internally set and aim for incremental improvement

Appoint an MD with a clear mandate to develop new business strategies and operating plans with demanding targets and standards

Benchmarks capture the best external practice and aim for order-magnitude improvement