The Is0 9000 Quality System



The IS0 9000 series standard was developed by the Technical Committee 176 of the International Standards Organisation (ISO) in 1987. IS0 9000 standard is increasingly being applied, so much so that the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the American Society for Quality Control (ASQC) have modeled a system based on the IS0 9000 series, called the Q90 series.


IS0 9000 standard as a total quality system:

Most of the organisations applying for registration under the IS0 9000 standard are doing so to comply with customer and third party requirements. To achieve a climate of competitiveness under total quality management however, businesses will have to implement the guidelines of the total IS0 9000 standard. To implement a TQM philosophy using the IS0 9000 standard as the tool, businesses will have to comply with the following:


(i)Technical input using the guidelines of IS0 9000, introducing SPC, using the Just In Time (JIT) philosophy, introducing problem-solving activities and measurements;


(ii)Introducing a quality policy which is widely communicated to all workers, and which can be implemented, by providing back up and support and allocating the right resources for its success;


(iii)Management must lead attitude changes by example. Their commitment must be unquestionable, and they have to foster a climate of openness, trust, cooperation and employee care and loyalty. The quality drive must not be seen as a one-off exercise but rather as a new way of working life.


(iv)Progress in competitiveness can be achieved if the implementation of the IS0 9000 standard is followed up by regular auditing exercises to ensure compliance.This happens by making sure that management study closely outcomes of auditreports and act upon recommendations and by