The Meaning Of Quality Systems


Quality systems can be perceived as the part which converts statements of objectives into real outcomes. Quality systems are intended to implement the desired objectives and make quality part of every activity within the business and everyone's responsibility.


Defining quality systems:


  • Quality systems therefore are intended to implement the desired objectives and make quality part of every activity within the business and everyone's responsibility.
  • The system will rely on defining the objectives of each activity and setting appropriate procedures and documentation which will help everybody conform to requirements.
  • Quality systems also rely on internal and external control mechanisms which are intended to meet customer requirements continuously and improve on existing performance levels by adding value in various forms to customers.
  • In a sense quality systems are the means by which customer-supplier chains are forged and strengthened.
  • Quality systems have to be reviewed regularly if activities, work flow and new methods, have been incorporated into the organisation.


Quality systems are about ASSURANCE and making sure that organisations reach their intended destination safely.


’A quality assurance system entails interrelated procedures directed towards accomplishing predetermined goals. The purpose and goal of a quality management system are to ensure and attain the desired and specified quality of products and services.’


’Quality assurance is a structured approach to business management and control, which embraces the ability to consistently provide products and services to specification, programme and cost.