The Quality Story


The main aim of internal quality improvements is to make the internal processes ‘learner’, i.e. to prevent defects and problems in the internal processes which will lead to lower costs. From the beginning it was stressed that the QC problem-solving process was as important as the result.

Problem solving process:

The problem-solving process called ‘the QC story’ results from the following 10 steps:


• Plan:

1. Deciding on a theme (establishing goals);

2. Clarifying the reasons this particular theme is chosen;

3. Assessing the present situation;

4. Analysis (probing into the causes);

5. Establishing corrective measures;

• Do:

6. Implementation;

• Check:

7. Evaluating the results;

• Action:

8. Standardization;

9. After-thought and reflection, consideration of remaining problems;

10. Planning for the future.


PDCA cycle:

  • The quality story’ follows the quality improvement (PDCA) cycle or the Deming cycle and each step is written in a language which is easy to understand for the members of the QC circle.
  • It is important to realize that the PDCA cycle is the common work cycle to follow when working with quality improvements but it is also important to realize that it has many appearances depending on the purpose of the improvements and the participants in the improvement process.
  • The 10 steps of ‘the quality story’ have proven to be successful in relation to QC circle activities while the PDCA cycle may appear quite different when focusing on top management’s TQM-leadership cycle
  • The quality tools which are presented in this part of the book may be used in different steps of the PDCA cycle and some of the tools are especially designed to be used in relation to QC circle activities, i.e. in relation to the problem-solving process called ‘the quality story’.