Total Quality Management (TQM)

What Data And Information To Use


As with any decision a company must make, the better the data and infor-mation available to understand the situation and evaluate options, the better the decision. Data collected on the key indicators during the year are used to evaluate progress on the plan.

Data and information:

For a decision on where to focus the company's resources, the sources of data might include the follovving:

  • Customer service, sales, and marketing functions usuallv report on customer satisfaction and current and future needs.
  • The human resources department describes the talent and skills that are available to achieve the company's vision, and how those talents and skills can be enhanced through involvement, training, reward, and recognition.
  • The quality and finance departments outline the company's condition and the resources available for the coming year.
  • Other departments provide relevant data on environmental issues, government regulations, process capabilities, supplier capabilities, and similar areas.
  • Ongoing teams formed to address majör issues or problems summarize their progress and their needs and expectations for the year ahead,

Typically, the data provided include performance on key measures över the past year, results of competitive comparisons and benchmarking studies, survey results, and perceptions and ideas about current and fu-ture capabilities.

Senior executives and others involved in developing the plan use ali these data to establish corporate goals, objectives, strategies, action plans, and key indicators. Data collected on the key indicators during the year are used to evaluate progress on the plan.