Whom To Involve In Strategic Planning


Once the plan has been irnplemented, managers and employees report progress on action plans and objectives. The employees participate in the reporting process as members of teams that work on related issues or as representatives of their departments.

Zytec and Cadillac strategy:

  • At Zytec and Cadillac, senior management initiates the planning process; at DCC, product groups take charge of the first phases in the planning pro­cess.
  • Leaders are responsible for identifying strategies that reflect their company's long-range vision, which typically reaches five years into the future.
  • They develop those strategies with input from people throughout the company, and often get feedback from key customers and suppliers.
  • Once the corporate strategies and objectives have been determined, the planning process involves more employees. Departments, teams, and work units must translate the corporate vision into specific goals, action plans, and measures. The more employees involved in the process, both in developing and carrying out the strategic plan, the greater the under-standing and deployment.
  • The completed plan may be circulated among majör customers and suppliers for their input. The advantage of involving external people in the process is one of alignment: The plan will reflect what customers need and expect, and what suppliers are able to provide and support.
  • Once the plan has been irnplemented, managers and employees re-port progress on action plans and objectives. The employees participate in the reporting process as members of teams that work on related issues or as representatives of their departments.