Decision Tree Induction
Introduction: During the late 1970s and early 1980s, J. Ross Quinlan, a researcher in machine learning, developed a decision tree algorithm known as ID3 (Iterative Dichotomiser). This work expanded on earlier work on concept learning systems, described by E. B. Hunt, J. Marin, and P. T. Stone. Quinlan later presented C4.5 (a successor of ID3), which became a benchmark to which newer supervised learning algorithms are often compared. In 1984, a group of statisticians (L. Breiman, J. Friedman, R. Olshen, and C. Stone) published the book Classification and Regression Trees (CART), which described the generation of binary decision trees. ID3 and CART were invented independently of one another at around the same time, yet follow a similar approach for learning decision trees from training tuples. These two cornerstone algorithms spawned a flurry of work on decision tree induction.
ID3, C4.5, and CART adopt a greedy (i.e., non backtracking) approach in which decision trees are constructed in a top-down recursive divide-and-conquer manner. Most algorithms for decision tree induction also follow such a top-down approach, which
Algorithm: Generate_decision_tree. Generate a decision tree from the training tuples of data partition D.
- Data partition, D, which is a set of training tuples and their associated class labels;
- attribute list, the set of candidate attributes;
- Attribute selection method, a procedure to determine the splitting criterion that “best” partitions the data tuples into individual classes. This criterion consists of a splitting attribute and, possibly, either a split point or splitting subset.
Output: A decision tree.
(1) create a node N;
(2) if tuples in D are all of the same class, C then
(3) return N as a leaf node labeled with the class C;
(4) if attribute list is empty then
(5) return N as a leaf node labeled with the majority class in D; // majority voting
(6) apply Attribute selection method(D, attribute list) to find the “best” splitting criterion;
(7) label node N with splitting criterion;
(8) if splitting attribute is discrete-valued and
Multi way splits allowed then // not restricted to binary trees
(9) attribute_list<- attribute_list-splitting attribute; // remove splitting attribute
(10)for each outcome j of splitting criterion
// partition the tuples and grow sub trees for each partition
(11) let Dj be the set of data tuples in D satisfying outcome j; // a partition
(12) if Dj is empty then
(13) attach a leaf labeled with the majority class in D to node N;
(14) else attach the node returned by Generate decision tree(Dj, attribute list) to node N;
(15) return N;
starts with a training set of tuples and their associated class labels. The training set is recursively partitioned into smaller subsets as the tree is being built. A basic decision tree algorithm is summarized in Figure 6.3. At first glance, the algorithm may appear long, but fear not! It is quite straightforward. The strategy is as follows.
- The algorithm is called with three parameters: D, attribute list, and Attribute selection method. We refer to D as a data partition. Initially, it is the complete set of trainingtuples and their associated class labels. The parameter attribute list is a list ofattributes describing the tuples. Attribute selection method specifies a heuristic procedurefor selecting the attribute that “best” discriminates the given tuples according to class. This procedure employs an attribute selection measure, such as information gain or the gini index. Whether the tree is strictly binary is generally driven by the attribute selection measure. Some attribute selection measures, such as the gini index, enforce the resulting tree to be binary. Others, like information gain, do not, therein allowing multi way splits (i.e., two or more branches to be grown from a node).
- The tree starts as a single node, N, representing the training tuples in D (step 1).