Operations On Binomial Heaps

Operations on binomial heaps: In this section, we show how to perform operations on binomial heaps in the time bounds shown in Figure 19.1.

Creating a new binomial heap: To make an empty binomial heap, the MAKE-BINOMIAL-HEAP procedure simply allocates and returns an object H , where head[H ] = NIL. The running time is Θ(1).

Finding the minimum key

The procedure BINOMIAL-HEAP-MINIMUM returns a pointer to the node with the minimum key in an n-node binomial heap H. This implementation assumes that there are no keys with value .

1  y  NIL
2  x  head[H]
3  min  
4  while x  NIL
5     do if key[x] < min
6           then min  key[x]
7                y  x
8         x  sibling[x]
9  return y

Since a binomial heap is min-heap-ordered, the minimum key must reside in a root node. The BINOMIAL-HEAP-MINIMUM procedure checks all roots, which number at mostlg n 1, saving the current minimum in min and a pointer to the current minimum in y. When called on the binomial heap of Figure 19.3, BINOMIAL-HEAP-MINIMUM returns a pointer to the node with key 1.

Because there are at most lg n 1 roots to check, the running time of BINOMIAL-HEAP-MINIMUM is O(lg n).

Uniting two binomial heaps

The operation of uniting two binomial heaps is used as a subroutine by most of the remaining operations. The BINOMIAL-HEAP-UNION procedure repeatedly links binomial trees whose roots have the same degree. The following procedure links the Bk-1 tree rooted at node y to the Bk-1 tree rooted at node z; that is, it makes z the parent of y. Node z thus becomes the root of a Bk tree.

1  p[y]  z
2  sibling[y]  child[z]
3  child[z]  y
4  degree[z]  degree[z]   1

The BINOMIAL-LINK procedure makes node y the new head of the linked list of node z's children in O(1) time. It works because the left-child, right-sibling representation of each binomial tree matches the ordering property of the tree: in a Bk tree, the leftmost child of the root is the root of a Bk-1 tree.

The following procedure unites binomial heaps H1 and H2, returning the resulting heap. It destroys the representations of H1 and H2 in the process. Besides BINOMIAL-LINK, the procedure uses an auxiliary procedure BINOMIAL-HEAP-MERGE that merges the root lists of H1 and H2 into a single linked list that is sorted by degree into monotonically increasing order. The BINOMIAL-HEAP-MERGE procedure,

 2  head[H]  BINOMIAL-HEAP-MERGE(H1, H2)
 3  free the objects H1 and H2 but not the lists they point to
 4  if head[H] = NIL
 5     then return H
 6  prev-x  NIL
 7  x  head[H]
 8  next-x  sibling[x]
 9  while next-x  NIL
10      do if (degree[x]  degree[next-x]) or 
                (sibling[next-x]  NIL and degree[sibling[next-x]] = degree[x])
11            then prev-x  x                                 Cases 1 and 2
12                 x  next-x                                 Cases 1 and 2
13            else if key[x]  key[next-x]
14                    then sibling[x]  sibling[next-x]           Case 3
15                         BINOMIAL-LINK(next-x, x)                Case 3
16                    else if prev-x = NIL                         Case 4
17                            then head[H]  next-x               Case 4
18                            else sibling[prev-x]  next-x        Case 4
19                         BINOMIAL-LINK(x, next-x)                Case 4
20                         x  next-x                             Case 4
21         next-x  sibling[x]
22  return H

Figure 19.5 shows an example of BINOMIAL-HEAP-UNION in which all four cases given in the pseudocode occur.