Polynomial-time Verification

Figure 34.3: Four possibilities for relationships among complexity classes. In each diagram, one region enclosing another indicates a proper-subset relation. (a) P = NP = co-NP. Most researchers regard this possibility as the most unlikely. (b) If NP is closed under complement, then NP = co-NP, but it need not be the case that P = NP. (c) P = NP co-NP, but NP is not closed under complement. (d) NP co-NP and P NP co-NP. Most researchers regard this possibility as the most likely.

Thus, our understanding of the precise relationship between P and NP is woefully incomplete. Nevertheless, by exploring the theory of NP-completeness, we shall find that our disadvantage in proving problems to be intractable is, from a practical point of view, not nearly so great as we might suppose.