The Relabel-to-front Algorithm
To show that RELABEL-TO-FRONT computes a maximum flow, we shall show that it is an implementation of the generic push-relabel algorithm. First, observe that it performs push and relabel operation only when they apply. It remains to show that when RELABEL-TO-FRONT terminates, no basic operations apply. The remainder of the correctness argument relies on the following loop invariant:
At each test in line 6 of RELABEL-TO-FRONT, list L is a topological sort of the vertices in the admissible network Gf,h = (V, Ef,h), and no vertex before u in the list has excess flow.
Initialization: Immediately after INITIALIZE-PREFLOW has been run, h[s] = |V| and h[v] = 0 for all v ∈ V - {s}. Since |V | = 2 (because V contains at least s and t), no edge can be admissible. Thus, Ef,h = ø, and any ordering of V - {s, t} is a topological sort of Gf,h.
Since u is initially the head of the list L, there are no vertices before it and so there are none before it with excess flow.
Maintenance: To see that the topological sort is maintained by each iteration of the while loop, we start by observing that the admissible network is changed only by push and relabel operations.
To see that no vertex preceding u in L has excess flow, we denote the vertex that will be u in the next iteration by u'. The vertices that will precede u' in the next iteration include the current u (due to line 11) and either no other vertices (if u is relabeled) or the same vertices as before (if u is not relabeled). Since u is discharged, it has no excess flow afterward. Thus, if u is relabeled during the discharge, no vertices preceding u' have excess flow. If u is not relabeled during the discharge, no vertices before it on the list acquired excess flow during this discharge, because L remained topologically sorted at all times during the discharge (as pointed out just above, admissible edges are created only by relabeling, not pushing), and so each push operation causes excess flow to move only to vertices further down the list (or to s or t). Again, no vertices preceding u' have excess flow.
Termination: When the loop terminates, u is just past the end of L, and so the loop invariant ensures that the excess of every vertex is 0. Thus, no basic operations apply.