Feeling 'the divine force':
Man's life is a journey towards 'self realization', a realization towards the secrets of the Universe and existence of God. The optimum use of one's sixth sense will enable him to achieve this goal.
To get relieved from badness: (Purifying actions)
When one does meditation mind relaxes. All the life forces become relaxed. This intensifies the power of the bio magnetic waves. Mind controls the functioning of all the sense organs. If this chance is not given to the mind, the intellectual sharpness gets blunt and stagnates in one place. At this stage mind wavers. It gets diverted and goes under the control of 'sages' resulting in accepting the bad reactive nature of the senses. Man starts doing bad deeds. It doesn't mean that all experiences and enjoyments through senses are bad. But when these experiences and enjoyments become indulgence-crossing limits, only then these take the shape of 'badness'. Till all these things remain within their limits, not harming self or others, at the present or in the future, there is nothing wrong. In fact all 'learning' takes place only through sensory perceptions. It becomes learning when it functions through cognitive level. It becomes habit when it functions through emotional levels. In the process of evolution through the interaction between at least two animals, human race evolved. Due to various ecological reasons now the human race got scattered all over the world which was again fragmented into continents and islands. But the sixth sense is common to all human. It should prevail upon him to live a selective life doing only 'good deeds'. At the same time through introspection 'knowing' the existence of bad imprints he should find out ways of eradicating them. During this purifying process it dawns on him a feeling which he understands later as the divine feeling.
Types of Meditation:
Simplified Kundalini Yoga has nine types of meditation which are given as:
1. Agna
2. Shanthi
3. Thuriya
4. Thuriyatheetha
5. Panchendriya
6. Panchabootha Navagraha
7. Nine centre meditation
8. Nityananda
9. Divine Meditation.
A Guru directs through all these different types of meditation till the last stage - the divine meditation.
- Soul's functional base-the operating centre-is Mooladhar, the Genetic Centre.
- Heart is the operating centre for blood circulation
- Lungs are the operating centre for air circulation
- Mooladhar is the operating centre for life circulation.
Kundalini Yoga brings up the 'life' to top and fixes it in between the two eyebrows on the forehead. This is the first successful stage in this meditation.