Moralization Of Desires

Moralization of Desires:


In ‘introspection’ moralization of desire is the second part Desire is a liking towards something. Desire is to experience something. Desire is attachment. Desire is love; desire is eagerness to acquire something. Desire is lust. Basically desire comes out of a need.

Desire on Owning Land, Material Wealth and Women:

Desires have been categorized as eagerness to own land, eagerness to own material wealth and eagerness to have relationship with women. It was believed these are the three reasons for the worldly worries. So desist these desires was the preaching of many for a long time.

1. We live in a house. To build the house we need atleast a small piece of land. Don’t we live on this earth – this land?

2. We use some material for leading a reasonably comfortable life.

3. It has an accepted factor that a woman – either as a mother, as a sister, as a wife is considered to be a must.

On this earth In the company of a woman With the help of some material We live. Why desist these desires? To make a balanced life Use your wisdom One cannot get rid of desires. And it is not necessary also. As ‘thoughts’ desires also keep creeping in every time every where. Analyse your desires. Avoid those which are sure to bring you sorrow. Good ones which are desirable for you and for your society need to be satisfied. Once you are able to differentiate between the essential desires and undesirable desire you are making a clear demarcation among desires heed to the desirable ones. This analysis to identify the impact of the desire on oneself and on the society is called Moralising desire or regularizing desires.To end the life cycle is like crossing a big ocean. To achieve this is also a desire. We have to live and face all difficulties before reaching the attainment.

1. Food, cloth and other needs for a man are recurring. Can we avoid them?

2. To reach the acme in one’s field and in one’s life is also a desire.

3. Desire to attain use divinity is again a desirable desire.

Reasons For Desires:

Hunger, thirsty, fluctuations in body temperature, excretory forces are all natural. ‘To live’ is the basic reason for desires. Desire leads to needs.

Essential Desires:

Desires that form in us, if they are wise, if they contribute to the growth of our life or to the welfare of the society they can be satisfied. Instead longing for everything may not bring any happiness to anybody. What are our requirements? Basic needs that become desires need to be fulfilled. Natural deficiencies should get compensated. The experience should make men wise day by day.

Desire And Duty:

The desire should be ethical. When acting upon the desire to get fulfilled there comes an enjoyment. But one should see that he is not too much involved in that experience. On the other hand he should consider it as a duty. Though one is a essential desire, though it brings you benefits and happiness one should not forget him self and indulge in that act which will never produce anything good. Mind also will get polluted. Materials reduce pain, sometimes remove pain. It is quite nature one loves them. But to develop some attachment on them and showing eagerness to possess them are wrong. We need to draw definite in our relationship with those materials. Otherwise if your mind is preoccupied developing greed over the possession definitely one should definitely need to get rid of such desires. One doesn’t need to abandon the materials but need to restrict his attachment and should never think that object is responsible for his living.

Desires Against the Purpose of Birth:

Involvement of mind in desires and enjoyments is called attachment. This attachment is not desirable. This spoils the purpose of birth. Life should be designed in accordance with the purpose of birth. Attachment will get the design distorted. The mind will begin to think that life is for enjoyment and prevent others from enjoying our resources. Attachment will become indulgence when obstructed anger is the result. It will induce one into committing all the five sins. Then salvation will become impossible. Increasing needs may make one stay in enjoying the comforts. One may be tempted to do sin to retain or centime the duration of enjoyment, which may result in continuum of birth. Restrict your needs to the minimum level. Then only one will be able to achieve the purpose of his birth. Eradicating the bad imprints, remaining away from the sins one should lead a regularized life. Detached life is the road to salvation. Desire is an obstruction is that road. We have to moralize our desires, though they are desirable desires we need to control the force with which they flow. More and more enjoyment materials which may give comforts might damage one’s health. With more and more wealth peace of mind is lost. When the number of members to be fed in the family gets bigger and bigger independence will be lost.