Role Of Education
Role of Education:
Education is the potential instrument to bring about purposeful behavioural changes in the individual. It helps to achieve social integration by alleviating social prejudices and by creating a strong desire for a rational social order.Education should aim at achieving personal integration by developing integrated personality of the individual and by inculcating right values, scientific temper of mind, right attitudes, productive imagination and creative intelligence.
Education should develop cultural awakening, cultural understanding and appreciation, so as to transmit cultural values for promotion of cultural integration. Education should inculcate national ideals and true patriotic outlook to pave way for the promotion of emotional integration. In order to achieve the above mentioned national integration goals, the following changes and activities have to be carried out:
- Proper reforms in curriculum should be made from the point of view of our national needs and national achievements.
- Common prayers and observations of religious festivals in the educational institutions.
- Avoiding comments on casteism or communalism in the classroom.
- Conducting a short course on national literature.
- Encouraging the study of one of the Indian languages other than the regional language.
- Arranging co-curricular activities centering around human understanding.
- Organizing National ceremonies, symbols, songs, national pledges, etc.
- Compiling a short anthology of songs in all languages for wide circulation.
- Emphasizing the points of interdependence cooperation and integration by way of educational programmes.
- Encouraging the participation of people of different castes and religions in national fairs and festivals.
- Organizing dramas, seminars, debates and discussions advocating the concept of national harmony.
- Increasing use of mass media for harnessing national unity.
- Revising textbooks so as to emphasize national unity and love of the country.
- Providing opportunities inculcating broad humanism and single-minded devotion to decent values.
Programs For Ensuring the Health of the Body:
Our present lifestyle and conditionings are not very conductive to keep the body fit and therefore it is important to understand sanyama and swasthya correctly and maintain proper harmony with the body. As a proposal, we need to work for the following few things:
1. To understand and live with sanyama.
2. To understand the self organization of the body and ensure health of the body.
1. Understanding and Living with Sanyama: Sanyama implies that the self takes the responsibility for proper nurturing, and right utilization of the body. For this it is essential to understand the functioning of the body instrument. It is also essential to understand that this instrument has a limited life span and undergoes a pattern of growth and decay. The interaction of the self with the body has to be in consonance with the above objectives which are achieved through sanyama.
2. Understanding the self organization of the body and ensure health of the Body:
A. Nurturing of the Body: Proper Food, Air, Water, Etc.: In the process of selecting food for the body, I need to make out the elements which make a complete food so that it gives required nutrients and energy to the body. On the basis of understanding of the harmony of the self with the body, it can be said that the food needs to be eaten only when we feel hungry. The choice of the food has to be such that it is easily digestible and the food needs to be taken with proper posture of the body and in right quantity.
B. Protection of the Body: The second issue is the protection of the body. The clothes we choose for protection need to be such that they ensure proper interaction of the body with the environment. The right amount of exposure of the body to the air, water, and sun is required to ensure its proper functioning.
C. Right Utilization of the Body (Sadupayoga): Right utilization of the body as an instrument necessitates understanding the purpose for which this instrument is to be used. Normally, we tend to believe that the body is an instrument for sensory enjoyment, which is not correct. We also happen to use our body to exploit other human beings or rest of the nature which is not right utilization. It is important to realize that the human body is an instrument to facilitate right understanding and its actualization in life.