Echelon Form Of Matrix
Echelon Form of Matrix-1:
An m n matrix B is said to be row (column) equivalent to an m
n A if B can be obtained by applying a finite sequence of elementery row (column) operations to A.
Example-3: Let
If we add 2 times rows 3 of A its second row, we obtain
So B is the row equivalent to A.
Interchanging rows 2 and 3 of B we get;
Hence C is row equivalence to B.
Find the Inverse of matrix by Row Operations:
If A is non singular matrix then by applying row operation we can transform matrix [ A|I ] to matrix [ I|B ]. In this case B is the inverse of A. We summarize the process by diagram below:
Example-4: Find the inverse of
By applying the above rule we get;