Solution Of Initial And Boundary Value Function

Solution of Initial and Boundary Value Function:

The differential equation in which the conditions are specified at a single value of the independent variable say x = x0 is called an Initial Value Problem (IVP). If y = y(x), the initial conditions usually will be of the form.


The differential equation in which the conditions are specified for a given set of n values of the independent variables is called Boundary Value Problems (BVP).


We can also have problems involving a system of (simultaneous de.s) with these types of conditions.

Problems on Initial and Boundary Value Function:

1. Solve the initial value problems given that

Solutions: We have (D2 5D 6)y = 0

                A.E is m2 5m 6 = 0

                (m 2) (m 3) = 0

                 ⇒ m = -2,-3

General equation is

This is the General solution of the given equations;


Also we have the above equations;


Apply the condition:


We obtain the following equatins;


Solving equation (2) and (3) we get;

      c1 = 15 and c2 = -15