
Special Signal Processing


Special Signal Processing

The described methods are partially applicable for no measurable quantities that are reconstructed from mathematical process models.

 In this way, it is possible to control damping ratios, material and heat stress, and slip, or to supervise quantities like resistances, capacitances, temperatures within components, or parameters of wear and contamination.

This signal processing may require special filters to determine amplitudes or frequencies of vibrations, to determine derivate or integrated quantities, or state variable observers


Model-based and Adaptive Control Systems

The information processing is, at least in the lower levels, performed by simple algorithms or software modules under real-time conditions.

 These algorithms contain free adjustable parameters, which have to be adapted to the static and dynamic behavior of the process. In contrast to manual tuning by trial and error, the use of mathematical models allows precise and fast automatic adaptation.

The mathematical models can be obtained by identification and parameter estimation, which use the measured and sampled input and output signals.

 These methods are not restricted to linear models, but also allow for several classes of nonlinear systems.

 If the parameter estimation methods are combined with appropriate control algorithm design methods, adaptive control systems result. They can be used for permanent precise controller tuning or only for commissioning .