Circularly Polarized Light
Circularly polarized light: In equation (1), if the amplitude of the components of electric field along x axis and y axis are equal
And the phase difference
Then equation (1) reduces to
.............................. (2)
Let us monitor the variation of electric field as a function of time at a given location in the longitudinal direction say z=0.From equation 2
........................................ (3)
The magnitude of the x and y component of the electric field , the direction of the electric field and the resultant electric field as a function of time are listed in table 1.
The magnitude of the resultant electric field is constant (which has to be as the wave is propagating in a lossless media) but the component of electric fields along x and y are changing and hence the direction of resultant electric field is changing continuously. The resultant electric field vector E is rotating clock wise at an angular frequency , as after a time 2
the direction of electric field is same as that of starting at t=0.
From equation (2), the x component
.......................................... (4) and y component
........................................... (5)
the magnitude of electric field from above
...................................... (6)