Application Program Interface Andssp Structure

Application Program Interface andSSP Structure
The API functions Real-Time Mach provides to support resource reservation include request( ) and modify( ) for requesting and modifying reservations. There are also functions for binding threads to a reservation and specifying the type of a reservation. In addition, an application may create a port for a reservation and request the kernel to send a notification message to that port whenever the budget of the reservation is exhausted.

Mercer, et al. [MeST] pointed out that a System Service Provider (SSP) executes mostly in response to requests from clients. If each SSP were to reserve sufficient resources to ensure its responsiveness, most of its reserved resources would be left idle when there is no request for its service. A better alternative is to have the client pass the client’s reservations needed by the SSP to do the work along with the request for service.

In a microkernel system adopting this approach, each SSP has only a small CPU reservation. Only its daemon thread executes using this reservation. When a client requests service from an SSP, it allows the SSP to use its own reservations. When the SSP receives a request, the daemon thread wakes up, executes using the SSP’s CPU reservation, creates a work thread to execute on the client’s behalf, and suspends itself. This work thread uses the client’s CPU reservation, as well as reservations of other types of processors. In this way, the resources used by the SSP to service each request are charged to the requesting client. The SSP structure described in the next section is an extension, and we will provide more detail on this structure when we describe the extension.

To explain the use of the immediate reservation type, we consider the example given by [RKMO]: A stream of packets from the network is stored on the disk. The application clearly needs both network bandwidth and disk bandwidth; hence, it may have reservations for both types of processors. Moreover, CPU time is also needed for processing incoming packets and writing them to disk. If the application’s CPU reservation were used to do this work, the receive buffer might not be drained sufficiently fast to prevent overflow, since the application’s CPU reservation may have a low priority and large relative deadline. The alternative proposed by Rajkumar, et al. is to have a separate (immediate) CPU reservation for processing incoming packets and writing the packets to disk and give the reservation the highest priority to ensure its immediate execution. However, immediate reservation introduces priority inversion. It is the same as executing a scheduled interrupt service routine immediately rather than properly prioritizing it. The execution times of threads using immediate reservations must be kept very small.

To conclude this section, we note that the above example illustrates an end-to-end task. Its subtasks execute on the network, on the CPU, and the disk. Providing guaranteed resource reservation for each processor type is a way to ensure that each subtask has a bounded response time and the response time of the end-to-end task is bounded by the sum of the maximum response times of its subtasks.