Scheduling Mechanisms

Scheduling Mechanisms: This section discusses several aspects regarding the implementation of algorithms for scheduling periodic tasks and aperiodic tasks. In particular, we call attention to those scheduling services that the kernel can easily provide which can significantly simplify the implementation of complex algorithms for scheduling aperiodic tasks in the user level.
Fixed-Priority Scheduling. All modern operating systems support fixed-priority scheduling. Many real-time operating systems provide 256 priority levels. A fixed-priority system with this many priority levels performs as well as an ideal system that has an infinite number of priority levels. (The loss in schedulable utilization of a rate-monotonically scheduled system due to nondistinct priorities is negligible.) In contrast, a general-purpose operating system may provide fewer levels. For example, there are only 16 real-time priority levels in Windows NT.

A parameter of the create thread function is the priority of the new thread; the priority of each new thread is set at the assigned priority, that is, the priority chosen for the thread according to the algorithm used to schedule the application. (This is sometimes done in two steps: The thread is first created and then its priority is set.11) Once created, the assigned priority of the thread is kept in its TCB. In a system that supports priority inheritance or the ceiling-priority protocol, a thread may inherit a higher priority than its assigned priority. The current priority also needs to be kept in the thread’s TCB.

To support fixed-priority scheduling, the kernel maintains a ready queue for each priority level. Whenever a thread is ready to execute, the kernel places it in the ready queue of the thread’s current priority. For this reason, the current priority of a thread is often called its dispatch priority.

Real-Time POSIX-compliant systems provide the applications with the choice between round-robin or FIFO policies for scheduling equal-priority threads. Having all equal- (current-) priority threads in one queue makes it convenient for the kernel to carry out either policy.

Finding the highest priority ready thread amounts to finding the highest priority nonempty queue. The theoretical worst-case time complexity of this operation is O(Ω), where Ω is the number of priority levels supported by the operating system. In fact, the number of comparisons required to scan the queues is at most Ω/K log2 K −1, where K is the word length of the CPU. (How this is done is left to you as an exercise in Problem 12.7.) Therefore, on a 32-bit CPU, the scheduler takes at most 12 comparisons to find the highest priority threads when there are 256 priority levels.

EDF Scheduling. Most existing operating systems supposely support dynamic priority. This claim typically means that the operating system provides a system call by which a thread can set and change its own priority or the priority of some other thread. This mechanism is adequate for mode-change and reconfiguration purposes but is too expensive to support dynamic scheduling policies such as the EDF algorithm. [We note that to change the priority of a thread that is ready to run, the thread must be removed from the queue for its current priority, the value of its priority (in TCB) changed, and then the thread inserted into the queue for its new priority.]

A better alternative is for the kernel to provide EDF scheduling capability. As it turns out, the kernel can support both fixed-priority and EDF scheduling using essentially the same queue structure, in particular, the queues for deadline-monotonic scheduling. In addition to the small modification of the queue structure, which we will describe below, some of the kernel functions need to be modified as follows.

  1. The create thread function specifies the relative deadline of the thread. (Earlier, we mentioned that if the operating system supports periodic threads, the relative deadline should be a parameter of each periodic thread. To support EDF scheduling, the operating system needs this parameter of every thread, not just periodic threads.)
  2. Whenever a thread is released, its absolute deadline is calculated from its release time and relative deadline. This can the done by either a timer function or the scheduler. In short, both the relative and absolute deadlines of each ready thread are known, and they are kept in the TCB.

Rather than maintaining a single EDF queue, the scheduler keeps a FIFO queue for threads of each relative deadline. The scheduler places each newly released thread at the end of the queue for threads which have the same relative deadline as the new thread, as if the threads were scheduled on the deadline-monotonic basis. Clearly, the threads in each queue are ordered among themselves according to their absolute deadlines. Therefore, to find the thread with the earliest absolute deadline, the scheduler only needs to search among the threads at the heads of all the FIFO queues.

Preemption Lock. Some kernel activities leave the system in inconsistent states if preempted. Consequently, it is necessary to make some portions of some system calls nonpreemptable. In a good operating system, system calls are preemptable whenever possible, and

each nonpreemptable section is implemented efficiently so its execution time, and hence the blocking time due to nonpreemptivity, is as small as possible.

Almost all real-time operating systems allow a thread to disable preemption.We use the name preemption lock, which is the name used by VxWorks [Wind] for this mechanism. [In VxWorks, a task can call taskLock( ) to disable preemption; no other task can preempt it until it completes or executes the unlock routine taskUnlock( ).] You recall that the Nonpreemptable Critical Section (NPCS) protocol is a simple way to control access to shared resources (e.g., mutex objects and reader/writer locks). With preemption lock, this protocol is simple to implement at the user level. Each thread makes itself nonpreemptable immediately prior to entering a critical section and makes itself preemptable when it no longer holds any resource. Because the resource requested by the thread is always available and the thread has the highest priority just before it becomes nonpreemptable, the thread always acquires the lock successfully. Of course, a thread should never self-suspend when it holds any lock and is therefore nonpreemptable.

Preemption lock is often achieved by locking or disabling the scheduler. Alternatively, an operating system (e.g., pSOS [Moto]) may provide a task with a choice of running in preemptive or nonpreemptive mode. A task can disable preemption by setting a mode-control bit; task switching occurs only when a nonpreemptive running task blocks or reenables preemption. Since hardware interrupt service routines execute at priorities higher than the scheduler, as shown in Figure 12–3, interrupts are not disabled while some thread is preemption locked.

Aperiodic Thread Scheduling. None of the commercial real-time operating systems support bandwidth-preserving servers. The implementation of such a server as a user thread requires the ability to monitor the duration of the server’s execution (i.e., the consumed server budget) at the user level. Timer functions of the kind described above are cumbersome, expensive, and inaccurate for this purpose. To replenish the budget of a sporadic server in a fixed-priority system, the thread that maintains the server (called the user-level scheduler below) needs to know when busy intervals of higher-priority threads begin and end. To get this information at the user level, the user-level scheduler needs the cooperation of those threads, and even with their cooperation, incurs large overhead. On the other hand, as we will see shortly, it is easy and inexpensive for the kernel to get and provide this information.