Delivering Training


Preferring to train internally, Globe does not bring in consultants to conduct training programs. However, Globe does take advantage of training offered by its customers. Like Globe, Eastman does most of its trainine internally. Half of the training is done in the line units. The rest is handled by staff groups or outside trainers. Customizing the materials for each business unit makes the information more relevant. Whatever training is offered, the company is sensitive to the demands on its employees.

Northern Trust:

  • Northern Trust created a volunteer corps of 175 trainers drawn from its business units to teach the course on absolute quality. "All of them had to be certified to train," says Debra Danziger-Barron, senior vice president.
  • "They each had 70 hours of preparation time, during which they attended class, studied absolute quality, and practiced being a trainer during videotaped sessions.
  • They also spent about 100 hours each customizing the training materials for their business units." An audit team observes the training sessions to make sure the message is consistent and to help improve the training process.
  • Northern is now rethinking the extensive use of its volunteer corps. "People move to different assignments or companies, or vou have small operations where it's hard for people to step out/ says Danziger-Barron

Effective training:

  • Customizing the materials for each business unit makes the information more relevant.
  • Asking participants to apply what they are learning as individuals and teams helps them remember information. For example, one exercise in Northern Trust's "Training for Absolute Quality" course reinforces the steps in describing a problem.
  • The exercise asks the partic­ipant to first "define a problem in one of your processes," and then to list key individuals or groups to be involved, current performance on key indicators, desired performance level, and a problem statement.
  • A subsequent team exercise, after a section on identifying root causes, asks the participant team to choose one of the problems described previously and construct a cause-effect diagram to help identify likely causes.

Quality system training according to Norm Jennings:

  • Norm Jennings emphasizes quality system training for new Globe em­ployees.
  • "I describe the process from raw materials to finished product, then give them some background on the industries we serve and why." After the orientation, each new employee works with a production team for three months before working solo.