Design The Questionnaire Including Questions About Both Evaluation And Importance For Each Topic


The actual questionnaire should not be too comprehensive. Experience has shown that there should not be more than 30–40 questions.

Groups in the employee survey:

Experience shows that the questions in an employee survey may be grouped in the following main groups:

• Co-operation

– Between employees

– Between departments

– helping others

• Communication and feedback

– Communication between employees

– Feedback from managers

– Feedback from customers

• Work content

– Independence

– Variety

– Challenges to skills

• Daily working conditions

– Targets for and definition of tasks

– Time frameworks

– Measurement of the end result

– Importance of the end result for the firm

– Education and training

• Wages and conditions of employment

– Wages

– Working hour

– Job security

– Pensions

Information about goals and policies

– Information about the firm’s raison d'être

Information about the firm’s goals (short- and long-term)

– Information about departmental goals

– Information about results

• Management

– Qualifications

– Commitment

– Openness

– Credibility

– The ability to guide and support.

  • The actual questionnaire should not be too comprehensive.
  • Experience has shown that there should not be more than 30–40 questions. One technique to use when reducing the number of questions is to run a pilot test with data from a small sample of employees.
  • By using the statistical technique ‘factor analysis’ the questions which correlate together can be identified and hence a selection from these questions can be done to be included in the final questionnaire.