Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley
Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, Vol. I.
View of Great Mound at Miamisburgh, Ohio,3
Section, exhibiting Septaria,13
Group of Mounds within an enclosure,27
Plan of Ancient Work, Lorain county, Ohio,39
Plan of Ancient Work, Lorain county, Ohio,39
Plan of Ancient Work, Cuyahoga county, Ohio,40
Plan of Ancient Work, Cuyahoga county, Ohio,40
Plan of Ancient Work, Wood county, Ohio,40
Circle and truncated Pyramid,53
Plan of Ancient Work, at Circleville, Ohio,60
Plan of Sacred Enclosure, Pike county, Ohio,66
Bird-shaped Mound, Newark, Ohio,68
View of Gateway of Octagon, Newark, Ohio,69
Truncated Mound covering gateway,69
Crown-work of Circle,69
View of “Observatory” at Newark,70
“Elevated Squares” at Marietta, Ohio,74
Plan of Ancient Work, Parkersburgh, Virginia,77
Circle and Mound, Greenup county, Kentucky,82
Graded Way, Piketon, Ohio,88
Plan of Ancient Work in Alabama,109
Plan of Ancient Work in Bolivar county, Mississippi,116
Public Square of the Muscogulges,121
Mound at Mount Royal, Florida,122
Plan of Mound and Parallels,122
Plan of Works in Wisconsin,133
Group illustrating the forms of the Mounds,139
Hill Mounds,141
Section of Sacrificial Mound,144
Structure of Mounds,144
Section of Sacrificial Mound,147
Plan of Altar,147
Section of Sacrificial Mound,148
Section of Sacrificial Mound,149
Section of Altar,150
Section of Altar,150
Section of Sacrificial Mound,152
Plan of Altar,152
Section of Sacrificial Mound,153
Position of recent deposits,153
Section of Sacrificial Mound,154
Plan of Excavation, etc.154
Section of Sacrificial Mound,155
Section of Sacrificial Mound,156
Section of Sacrificial Mound,156
Section of a Stratified Mound,158
Section of a Mound,159
View of Elliptical Mound,160
Group of Sepulchral Mounds,161
Section of Sepulchral Mound,162
Plan of Sepulchral Chamber,162
Section of Sepulchral Mound,164
Position of Skeleton,164
Section of Sepulchral Mound,165
Section of Grave creek Mound,169
View of Grave creek Mound,169
Plans of groups of Mounds,170
Mounds of Oregon,171
Terraced Mound,173
Plan of Cahokia Mound,174
Lozenge-shaped Mound,175
Section of a truncated Mound,176
Plan of an Ancient octagonal Terrace,176
Plan of an Ancient rectangular Terrace,176
Plan of Temple Mound with graded ascent,177
Group of Sepulchral Mounds,177
Plan and Section of Anomalous Mound,178
Ancient Pipe from the Mounds,179
Section of Anomalous Mound,180
Conical Mound,185
Ancient Pottery, three figures,191
Ancient Pottery, three figures,192
Ancient Earthen Vessel,192
Ancient Earthen Vessel,192
Ancient Terra Cotta,193
Terra Cotta from the Mounds,194
Terra Cotta from the Mounds,194
Terra Cotta from the Mounds,194
Terra Cotta from the Mounds,194
Terra Cotta from the Mounds,194
Copper Axe from the Mounds,197
Earthen Pipes, two figures,197
Adjustment of Ancient Axes,198
Copper Axe from the Mounds,199
Copper Gravers from the Mounds, five figures,200
Copper Spear-head and Knife,201
Ancient Copper Implements, five figures,201
Copper Bracelets from the Mounds,204
Copper Gorgets from the Mounds,205
Copper Ornament from the Mounds,206
Copper Ornament from the Mounds,206
Ancient Work-block of stone,206
Copper Beads from the Mounds,207
Copper Fibulæ from the Mounds,207
Copper Bands, etc.,207
Silver Beads from the Mounds,207
Silver Cross,208
An article of Lead,209
Flint Spear-heads, three figures,211
Quartz Spear-head,211
Ancient Mexican mahquahuitl,211
Sword of Pacific Islanders,211
Arrow-heads, nine figures,212
Hornstone Disks, three figures,214
Flint Knives, three figures,215
Hematite Cutting Implements,215
Slate Cutting Implements,216
Ancient Stone Axe,216
Ancient Stone Axe, four figures,217
Stone Axe from Mounds,217
Stone Hand-axe,218
Ancient Stone-axe, four figures,218
Ancient Scandinavian Axes, two figures,218
Ancient ornamented Axes, six figures,218
Ancient ornamented Axe,219
Ancient Club-head of Stone,219
Ancient Club-head of Stone,219
Pestles of Stone, two figures,220
Implements of Bone, three figures.220
Ancient Bone Awls,220
Discoidal Stones, six figures,221
Tubes of Stone, two figures,224
Ornamented Stone Tube,225
Stone Tube,226
Stone Tubes,227
Ancient Mound Pipe,227
Granite Pipe,228
Modern Indian Pipes,230
Beads of Shell,232
Beads of Shell, three figures,233
Pendants, eight figures,234
Pendants of Stone,235
Stone Gorgets, two figures,236
Stone Gorget,237
Stone Gorget,237
Stone Gorgets, seventeen figures,237
Section of Gorget,238
Stone Ornaments,239
Prismatic Tube,240
Articles of Stone,240
Mica Ornaments,240
Sculptured head from the Mounds, two views,244
Sculptured head from the Mounds, two views,244
Sculptured head from the Mounds, two views,245
Sculptured head from the Mounds, two views,245
Ancient Sculpture,247
Sculptured Pipe,247
Sculptured Pipe,248
Sculptured Pipe,249
Mask of Stone,250
Mask of Stone,251
Mask of Stone,251
Sculpture of the Manitus,251
Sculpture of the Manitus,252
Sculpture of the Beaver,256
Sculpture of the Otter,256
Sculpture of the Otter,256
Sculpture of the Panther,256
Sculpture of the Panther,256
Sculpture of the Panther,256
Sculptured head of Elk,257
Sculptured Head,258
Sculptured Head,258
Sculpture of tufted Heron,259
Sculpture of Eagle,259
Sculpture of Hawk,261
Sculpture of Swallow,261
Sculpture of Summer Duck,261
Sculpture of Toucan?261
Sculpture of Grouse,261
Sculpture of Turkey Buzzard?261
Sculpture of Paroquet,263
Sculpture of Bird263
Sculpture of Bird263
Sculpture of Bird263
Sculpture of Bird263
Sculpture of Bird264
Sculpture of Toucan,266
Sculpture of unknown Bird,267
Heads of Eagles,267
Head of Raven?267
Sculpture of unknown Bird,267
Sculpture of Toad,269
Sculpture of Toad,269
Sculpture of Frog,269
Sculpture of Rattlesnake,269
Sculptured head of Goose,269
Sculptured Death’s Head,269
Sculptured Head of Bear?271
Sculptured Head of Wolf?271
Sculptured Head of unknown animal,271
Sculptured Head of unknown animal,271
Sculptured Head of unknown animal,271
Front View of Tablet found at Cincinnati,275
Reverse of same,275
Carving of Rattlesnake, coiled,276
Shark’s Teeth, fossil,282
Marine Shell, pyrula perversa,283
Section of Hill Mound,289
Inscribed Rock on Guyandotte river, Va.,294
Inscribed Rock on Guyandotte river, Va.,295
Inscribed Rock on Guyandotte river, Va.,295
Inscribed Rock on Guyandotte river, Va.,296
Inscribed Rock on Guyandotte river, Va.,296
Inscribed Rock on Guyandotte river, Va.,297
Inscribed Rock on Ohio river,298
Site of Sculptured Rocks of the Guyandotte299