Data Mining & Data Warehousing

Constraint-based Cluster Analysis

Introduction: In the above discussion, we assume that cluster analysis is an automated, algorithmic computational process, based on the evaluation of similarity or distance functions among a set of objects to be clustered, with little user guidance or interaction. However, users often have a clear view of the application requirements, which they would ideally like to use to guide the clustering process and influence the clustering results.

Thus, in many applications, it is desirable to have the clustering process take user preferences and constraints into consideration. Examples of such information include the expected number of clusters, the minimal or maximal cluster size, weights for different objects or dimensions, and other desirable characteristics of the resulting clusters. Moreover, when a clustering task involves a rather high-dimensional space, it is very difficult to generate meaningful clusters by relying solely on the clustering parameters. User input regarding important dimensions or the desired results will serve as crucial hints or meaningful constraints for effective clustering. In general, we contend that knowledge discovery would be most effective if one could develop an environment for human-centered, exploratory mining of data, that is, where the human user is allowed to play a key role in the process.

Foremost, a user should be allowed to specify a focus—directing the mining algorithm toward the kind of “knowledge” that the user is interested in finding. Clearly, user-guided mining will lead to more desirable results and capture the application semantics.

Constraint-based clustering finds clusters that satisfy user-specified preferences or constraints. Depending on the nature of the constraints, constraint-based clustering may adopt rather different approaches. Here are a few categories of constraints.

1. Constraints on individual objects: We can specify constraints on the objects to be clustered. In a real estate application, for example, one may like to spatially cluster only those luxury mansions worth over a million dollars. This constraint confines the set of objects to be clustered. It can easily be handled by preprocessing (e.g., performing selection using an SQL query), after which the problem reduces to an instance of unconstrained clustering.

2. Constraints on the selection of clustering parameters:A user may like to set a desired range for each clustering parameter. Clustering parameters are usually quite specific to the given clustering algorithm. Examples of parameters include k, the desired number of clusters in a k-means algorithm; or e (the radius) and Min Pts (the minimum number of points) in the DBSCAN algorithm. Although such user-specified parameters may strongly influence the clustering results, they are usually confined to the algorithm itself. Thus, their fine tuning and processing are usually not considered a form of constraint-based clustering.

3. Constraints on distance or similarity functions:We can specify different distance or similarity functions for specific attributes of the objects to be clustered or different distance measures for specific pairs of objects. When clustering sports men, for example, we may use different weighting schemes for height, body weight, age, and skill level. Although this will likely change the mining results, it may not alter the clustering process per se. However, in some cases, such changes may make the evaluation of the distance function nontrivial, especially when it is tightly intertwined with the clustering process. This can be seen in the following example.