Basic Electrical Engineering

Generation Of Three-phase Balanced Voltages

3 min read
Generation of Three-phase Balanced Voltages: A polyphase system is basically an ac system composed of a certain number of single-phase ac systems having the same frequency and operating in sequence. Each phase of a polyphase system (i.e., the phase of each single-phase ac system) is displaced from the next by a certain angular interval. In any polyphase system, the value of the angular interval between each phase depends on the number of phases in the system. This manual covers the most common type of polyphase system, the three-phase system. Three-phase systems, also referred to as three-phase circuits, are polyphase systems that have three phases, as their name implies. They are no more complicated to solve than single-phase circuits. In the majority of cases, threephase circuits are symmetrical and have identical impedances in each of the circuit’s three branches (phases). Each branch can be treated exactly as a single-phase circuit, because a balanced three-phase circuit is simply a combination of three single-phase circuits. Therefore, voltage, current, and power relationships for three-phase circuits can be determined using the same basic equations and methods developed for single-phase circuits. Non-symmetrical, or unbalanced, three-phase circuits represent a special condition and their analysis is more complex. Unbalanced three-phase circuits are not covered in detail in this manual. A three-phase ac circuit is powered by three voltage sine waves having the same frequency and magnitude and which are displaced from each other by 120°. The phase shift between each voltage waveform of a three-phase ac power source is therefore 120° (360° ÷ 3 phases). Figure 1 shows an example of a simplified three-phase generator (alternator) producing three-phase ac power. A rotating magnetic field produced by a rotating magnet turns inside three identical coils of wire (windings) physically placed at a 120° angle from each other, thus producing three separate ac voltages (one per winding). Since the generator’s rotating magnet turns at a fixed speed, the frequency of the ac power that is produced is constant, and the three separate voltages attain the maximal voltage value one after the other at phase intervals of 120°.

Three-phase, Four-wire System

3 min read
Three-Phase, Four-Wire System: It is not necessary to have six wires from the three phase windings to the three loads, provided there is a common ‘ return ’ line. Each winding will have a ‘ start ’ (S) and a ‘ fi nish ’ (F) end. The common connection mentioned above is achieved by connecting the corresponding ends of the three phases together. For example, either the three ‘ F ’ ends or the three ‘ S ’ ends are commoned. This form of connection is shown in Fig.(given below) , and is known as a star or Y connection. With the resulting 4-wire system, the three loads also are connected in star confi guration. The three outer wires are called the lines, and the common wire in the centre is called the neutral. If the three loads were identical in every way (same impedance and phase angle), then the currents fl owing in the three lines would be identical. If the waveform and/or phasor diagrams for these currents were drawn, they would be identical in form to Figs. A and B . These three currents meet at the star point of the load. The resultant current returning down the neutral wire would therefore be zero. The load in this case is known as a balanced load, and the neutral is not strictly necessary. However it is diffi cult, in practice, to ensure that each of the three loads are exactly balanced. For this reason the neutral is left in place. Also, since it has to carry only the relatively small ‘ out-ofbalance ’ current, it is made half the cross-sectional area of the lines. Let us now consider one of the advantages of this system compared with both a single-phase system, and the three-phase 6-wire system. Suppose that three identical loads are to be supplied with 200 A each. The two lines from a single-phase alternator would have to carry the total 600 A required. If a 3-phase, 6-wire system was used, then each line would have to carry only 200 A. Thus, the conductor csa would only need to be 1/3 that for the single-phase system, but of course, being six lines would entail using the same total amount of conductor material. If a 4-wire, 3-phase system is used there will be a saving on conductor costs in the ratio of 3.5:6 (the 0.5 being due to the neutral). If the power has to be sent over long transmission lines, such as the National Grid System, then the 3-phase, 4-wire system yields an enormous saving in cable costs. This is one of the reasons why the power generating companies use three-phase, star-connected generators to supply the grid system.

Phase Difference

4 min read
Phase Difference: the Sinusoidal Waveform (Sine Wave) can be presented graphically in the time domain along an horizontal zero axis, and that sine waves have a positive maximum value at time π/2, a negative maximum value at time 3π/2, with zero values occurring along the baseline at 0, π and . However, not all sinusoidal waveforms will pass exactly through the zero axis point at the same time, but may be "shifted" to the right or to the left of 0o by some value when compared to another sine wave. For example, comparing a voltage waveform to that of a current waveform. This then produces an angular shift or Phase Difference between the two sinusoidal waveforms. Any sine wave that does not pass through zero at t = 0 has a phase shift. The phase difference or phase shift as it is also called of a sinusoidal waveform is the angle Φ (Greek letter Phi), in degrees or radians that the waveform has shifted from a certain reference point along the horizontal zero axis. In other words phase shift is the lateral difference between two or more waveforms along a common axis and sinusoidal waveforms of the same frequency can have a phase difference. The phase difference, Φ of an alternating waveform can vary from between 0 to its maximum time period, T of the waveform during one complete cycle and this can be anywhere along the horizontal axis between, Φ = 0 to 2π (radians) or Φ = 0 to 360o depending upon the angular units used. Phase difference can also be expressed as a time shift of τ in seconds representing a fraction of the time period, T for example, 10mS or - 50uS but generally it is more common to express phase difference as an angular measurement.

Distinction Between Line And Phase Voltages, And Line And Phase Currents

2 min read
Distinction between line and phase voltages, and line and phase currents: The voltage produced by a single winding of a three-phase circuit is called the line-to-neutral voltage, or simply the phase voltage, Ephase In a wye-connected three-phase ac power source, the phase voltage is measured between the neutral line and any one of points A, B, and C. This results in the following three distinct phase voltages: EA-N, EB-N, and EC-N. The voltage between any two windings of a three-phase circuit is called the lineto line voltage, or simply the line voltage Eline. In a wye-connected three-phase ac power source, the line voltage is √3 (approximately 1.73) times greater than the phase voltage (i.e., Eline = √3 Ephase). In a delta-connected three-phase ac power source, the voltage between any two windings is the same as the voltage across the third winding of the source (i.e.,Eline = Ephase), as shows Figure 3b. In both cases, this results in the following three distinct line voltages: EA-B, EB-C, and EC-A. The three line wires (wires connected to points A, B, and C) and the neutral wire of a three-phase power system are usually available for connection to the load, which can be connected in either a wye configuration or a delta configuration. The two types of circuit connections are illustrated in Figure 1. Circuit analysis demonstrates that the voltage (line voltage) between any two line wires, or lines, in a wye-connected load is √3 times greater than the voltage (phase voltage) across each load resistor. Furthermore, the line current line flowing in each line of the power source is equal to the phase current Iphase flowing in each load resistor. On the other hand, in a delta-connected load, the voltage (phase voltage) across each load resistor is equal to the line voltage of the source. Also, the line current is √3 times greater than the current (phase current) in each load resistor. The phase current in a delta connected load is therefore √3 times smaller than the line current.

Power Transmission And Distribution

3 min read
Power Transmission and Distribution: The structure of a power system can be divided into generation (G), transmission, (T), and distribution (D) facilities, as shown in Figure (A).An ac three-phase generating system provides the electric energy; this energy is transported over a transmission network, designed to carry power at high or extrahigh voltages over long distances from generators to bulk power substations and major load points; the subtransmission network is a medium to high-voltage network whose purpose is to transport power over shorter distances from bulk power substations to distribution substations. The transmission and subtransmission systems are meshed networks with multiplepath structure so that more than one path exists from one point to another to increase the reliability of the transmission system. The transmission system, in general, consists of overhead transmission lines (on transmission towers), transformers to step up or step down voltage levels, substations, and various protective devices such as circuit breakers, relays, and communication and control mechanisms. Figure A shows a typical electric-power distribution system and its components. Below the subtransmission level, starting with the distribution substation, the distribution system usually consists of distribution transformers, primary distribution lines or main feeders, lateral feeders, distribution transformers, secondary distribution circuits, and customers’ connections with metering. Depending on the size of their power demand, customers may be connected to the transmission system, the subtransmission system, or the primary or secondary distribution circuit. fig(A)Typical power-system structure. In central business districts of large urban areas, the primary distribution circuits consist of underground cables which are used to interconnect the distribution transformers in an electric network. With this exception, the primary system is most often radial. However, for additional reliability and backup capability, a loop-radial configuration is frequently used. The main feeder is looped through the load area and brought back to the substation, and the two ends of the loop are connected to the substation by two separate circuit breakers. For normal operation, selected sectionalizing switches are opened so as to form a radial configuration. Under fault conditions, the faulted section is isolated and the rest of the loop is used to supply the unaffected customers.

Introduction To Power System

4 min read
Introduction to Power System: Thomas A. Edison’s work in 1878 on the electric light led to the concept of a centrally located power station with distributed electric power for lighting in a surrounding area. The opening of the historic Pearl Street Station in New York City on September 4, 1882, with dc generators (dynamos) driven by steam engines, marked the beginning of the electric utility industry. Edison’s dc systems expanded with the development of three-wire 220-V dc systems. But as transmission distances and loads continued to grow, voltage problems were encountered. With the advent of William Stanley’s development of a commercially practical transformer in 1885, alternating current became more attractive than direct current because of the ability to transmit power at high voltage with corresponding lower current and lower line-voltage drops. The first single-phase ac line (21 km at 4 kV) in the United States operated in 1889 between Oregon City and Portland. Nikola Tesla’s work in 1888 on electric machines made evident the advantages of polyphase over single-phase systems. The first three-phase line (12 km at 2.3 kV) in the United States became operational in California during 1893. The three-phase induction motor conceived by Tesla became the workhorse of the industry. Today the two standard frequencies for the generation, transmission, and distribution of electric power in the world are 60 Hz (in the United States, Canada, Japan, and Brazil) and 50 Hz (in Europe, the former Soviet Republics, South America except Brazil, India, and also Japan). Relatively speaking, the 60-Hz power-system apparatus is generally smaller in size and lighter in weight than the corresponding 50-Hz equipment with the same ratings. On the other hand, transmission lines and transformers have lower reactances at 50 Hz than at 60 Hz. Along with increases in load growth, there have been continuing increases in the size of generating units and in steam temperatures and pressure, leading to savings in fuel costs and overall operating costs. Ac transmission voltages in the United States have also been rising steadily: 115, 138, 161, 230, 345, 500, and now 765 kV. Ultrahigh voltages (UHV) above 1000 kV are now being studied. Some of the reasons for increased transmission voltages are:


4 min read
Auto-Transformer: So far we have considered a 2-winding transformer as a means for changing the level of a given voltage to a desired voltage level. It may be recalled that a 2-winding transformer has two separate magnetically coupled coils with no electrical connection between them. In this lesson we shall show that change of level of voltage can also be done quite effectively by using a single coil only. The idea is rather simple to understand. Suppose you have a single coil of 200 turns (= NBC) wound over a iron core as shown in figure 27.1. If we apply an a.c voltage of 400 V, 50 Hz to the coil (between points B and C), voltage per turn will be 400/200 = 2 V. If we take out a wire from one end of the coil say C and take out another wire tapped from any arbitrary point E, we would expect some voltage available between points E and C. The magnitude of the voltage will obviously be 2 × NEC where NEC is the number of turns between points E and C. If tapping has been taken in such a way that NEC = 100, voltage between E and C would be 200 V. Thus we have been able to change 400 V input voltage to a 200 V output voltage by using a single coil only. Such transformers having a single coil with suitable tapings are called autotransformers. It is possible to connect a conventional 2-winding transformer as an autotransformer or one can develop an autotransformer as a single unit.\ fig(A) transformer with a single coil 2-winding transformer as Autotransformer: Suppose we have a single phase 200V/100V, 50Hz, 10kVA two winding transformer with polarity markings. Then the coils can be connected in various ways to have voltage ratios other than 2 also, as shown in figure (B)

Ideal Transformer

3 min read
ideal transformer: Transformers are one of the most important components of any power system. It basically changes the level of voltages from one value to the other at constant frequency. Being a static machine the efficiency of a transformer could be as high as 99%. Big generating stations are located at hundreds or more km away from the load center (where the power will be actually consumed). Long transmission lines carry the power to the load centre from the generating stations. Generator is a rotating machines and the level of voltage at which it generates power is limited to several kilo volts only a typical value is 11 kV. To transmit large amount of power (several thousands of mega watts) at this voltage level means large amount of current has to flow through the transmission lines. The cross sectional area of the conductor of the lines accordingly should be large. Hence cost involved in transmitting a given amount of power rises many folds. Not only that, the transmission lines has their own resistances. This huge amount of current will cause tremendous amount of power loss or I2r loss in the lines. This loss will simply heat the lines and becomes a wasteful energy. In other words, efficiency of transmission becomes poor and cost involved is high. The above problems may addressed if we could transmit power at a very high voltage say, at 200 kV or 400 kV or even higher at 800 kV. But as pointed out earlier, a generator is incapable of generating voltage at these level due to its own practical limitation. The solution to this problem is to use an appropriate step-up transformer at the generating station to bring the transmission voltage level at the desired value as depicted in figure A where for simplicity single phase system is shown to understand the basic idea. Obviously when power reaches the load centre, one has to step down the voltage to suitable and safe values by using transformers. Thus transformers are an integral part in any modern power system. Transformers are located in places called substations. In cities or towns you must have noticed transformers are installed on poles – these are called pole mounted distribution transformers. These type of transformers change voltage level typically from 3-phase, 6 kV to 3-phase 440 V line to line.

Eddy Current

3 min read
Eddy current: Look at the Figure (A) where a rectangular core of magnetic material is shown along with the exciting coil wrapped around it. Without any loss of generality, one may consider this to be a part of a magnetic circuit. If the coil is excited from a sinusoidal source, exciting current flowing will be sinusoidal too. Now put your attention to any of the cross section of the core and imagine any arbitrary rectangular closed path abcd. An emf will be induced in the path abcd following Faraday’s law. Here of course we don’t require a switch S to close the path because the path is closed by itself by the conducting magnetic material (say iron). Therefore a circulating current ieddy will result. The direction of ieddy is shown at the instant when B(t) is increasing with time. It is important to note here that to calculate induced voltage in the path, the value of flux to be taken is the flux enclosed by the path i.e., φmax=Bmax*area of the loop abcd. The magnitude of the eddy current will be limited by the path resistance, Rpath neglecting reactance effect. Eddy current will therefore cause power loss in Rpath and heating of the core. To calculate the total eddy current loss in the material we have to add all the power losses of different eddy paths covering the whole cross section. Use of thin plates or laminations for core: We must see that the power loss due to eddy current is minimized so that heating of the core is reduced and efficiency of the machine or the apparatus is increased. It is obvious if the cross sectional area of the eddy path is reduced then eddy voltage induced too will be reduced (Eeddy ∞ area), hence eddy loss will be less. This can be achieved by using several thin electrically insulated plates (called laminations) stacked together to form the core instead a solid block of iron. The idea is depicted in the Figure (B) where the plates have been shown for clarity, rather separated from each other. While assembling the core the laminations are kept closely pact. Conclusion is that solid block of iron should not be used to construct the core when exciting current will be ac. However, if exciting current is dc, the core need not be laminated. fig.(A)

Construction Of Moving-iron Instruments

2 min read
Construction of Moving-iron Instruments: The deflecting torque in any moving-iron instrument is due to forces on a small piece of magnetically ‘soft’ iron that is magnetized by a coil carrying the operating current. In repulsion (Fig.42.7) type moving–iron instrument consists of two cylindrical soft iron vanes mounted within a fixed current-carrying coil. One iron vane is held fixed to the coil frame and other is free to rotate, carrying with it the pointer shaft. Two irons lie in the magnetic field produced by the coil that consists of only few turns if the instrument is an ammeter or of many turns if the instrument is a voltmeter. Current in the coil induces both vanes to become magnetized and repulsion between the similarly magnetized vanes produces a proportional rotation. The deflecting torque is proportional to the square of the current in the coil, making the instrument reading is a true ‘RMS’ quantity Rotation is opposed by a hairspring that produces the restoring torque. Only the fixed coil carries load current, and it is constructed so as to withstand high transient current. Moving iron instruments having scales that are nonlinear and somewhat crowded in the lower range of calibration. Another type of instrument that is usually classed with the attractive types of instrument is shown in Fig.42.8. ----fig(A) repultion type---------fig(B)attraction type This instrument consists of a few soft iron discs (B) that are fixed to the spindle (D), pivoted in jeweled bearings. The spindle (D) also carries a pointer (P), a balance weight (W1), a controlling weight (W2) and a damping piston (E), which moves in a curved fixed cylinder (F). The special shape of the moving-iron discs is for obtaining a scale of suitable form.

Introduction Of D.c Machines

3 min read
Introduction of D.C Machines: D.C machines were first developed and used extensively in spite of its complexities in the construction. The generated voltage in a coil when rotated relative to a magnetic field, is inherently alternating in nature. To convert this A.C voltage into a D.C voltage we therefore need a unit after the coil terminals. This unit comprises of a number commutator segments attached to the shaft of the rotor and a pair of suitably placed stationary carbon brushes touching the commutator segments. Commutator segments together with the fixed brushes do the necessary rectification from A.C to D.C and hence sometimes called mechanical rectifier. Constructional Features: Figure (A) shows a sectional view of a 4-pole D.C machine. The length of the machine is perpendicular to the paper. Stator has got 4 numbers of projected poles with coils wound over it. These coils may be connected in series in order that consecutive poles produce opposite polarities (i.e., N-S-N-S) when excited from a source. Double layer lap or wave windings are generally used for armature. Essentially all the armature coils are connected in series forming a closed armature circuit. However as the coils are distributed, the resultant voltage acting in the closed path is zero thereby ensuring no circulating current in the armature. The junctions of two consecutive coils are terminated on to the commutator segments. Stationary carbon brushes are placed physically under the center of the stator poles touching the rotating commutator segments. fig(A) sectional diagram of a D.C machines

D.c Machine Armature Winding

4 min read
D.C machine Armature Winding: Armature winding of a D.C machine is always closed and of double layer type. Closed winding essentially means that all the coils are connected in series forming a closed circuit. The junctions of the consecutive coils are terminated on copper bars called commutator segments. Each commutator segment is insulated from the adjacent segments by mica insulation. For reasonable understanding of armature winding, let us first get acquainted with the following terminologies A coil has two coil sides occupying two distinct specified slots. Generally two maximize induced voltage in a coil, the spacing between them should be close to 180° electrical. This essentially means if at a given time one coil side is under the center of the north pole, the other coil side should be under the center of the south pole. Coil span is nothing but the spacing between the two coil sides of a coil. The spacing is expressed in terms of number of slots between the sides. If S be the total number of slots and P be the total number of poles then coil span is S/P. For 20 slots, 4 poles winding, coil span is 5. Let the slots be numbered serially as 1, 2,…, 20. If one coil side is placed in slot number 3, the other coil side of the coil must occupy slot number 8 (= 3 5). A Double layer winding means that each slot will house two coil sides (obviously belonging to two different coils). Physically one coil side is placed in the lower portion of the slot while the other is placed above it. It is because of this reason such an arrangement of the winding is called a double layer winding. In the n th slot, coil side in the upper deck is numbered as n and the coil side in the lower deck is numbered as n'. In the 5th slot upper coil side is numbered as 5 and the lower coil side is numbered 5'. In the winding diagram, upper coil side is shown with firm line while the lower coil side is shown with dashed line. Remembering that a coil has two coil sides, for a double layer winding total number of coils must be equal to the total number of slots. Numbering a coil: A coil is so shaped, that when it is placed in appropriate slots, one coil side will be in the upper deck and the other side will be in the lower deck. Suppose S = 20 and P = 4, then coil span is 5. Let the upper coil side of this coil be placed in slot number 6, the other coil side must be in the lower deck of slot number 11. The coil should now be identified as (5 - 11'). In other words coil sides of a coil are numbered depending on the slot numbers in which these are placed. A typical single turn and multi turn coils are shown in figure (A)

Generator Types & Characteristics

2 min read
Generator types & its Characteristics: D.C generators may be classified as (i) separately excited generator, (ii) shunt generator, and (iii) series generator and (iv) compound generator. In a separately excited generator field winding is energised from a separate voltage source in order to produce flux in the machine. So long the machine operates in unsaturated condition the flux produced will be proportional to the field current. In order to implement shunt connection, the field winding is connected in parallel with the armature. It will be shown that subject to fulfillment of certain conditions, the machine may have sufficient field current developed on its own by virtue of its shunt connection. In series d.c machine, there is one field winding wound over the main poles with fewer turns and large cross sectional area. Series winding is meant to be connected in series with the armature and naturally to be designed for rated armature current. Obviously there will be practically no voltage or very small voltage due to residual field under no load condition (Ia = 0). However, field gets strengthened as load will develop rated voltage across the armature with reverse polarity, is connected and terminal voltage increases. Variation in load resistance causes the terminal voltage to vary. Terminal voltage will start falling, when saturation sets in and armature reaction effect becomes pronounced at large load current. Hence, series generators are not used for delivering power at constant voltage. Series generator found application in boosting up voltage in d.c transmission system. A compound generator has two separate field coils wound over the field poles. The coil having large number of turns and thinner cross sectional area is called the shunt field coil and the other coil having few number of turns and large cross sectional area is called the series field coil. Series coil is generally connected in series with the armature while the shunt field coil is connected in parallel with the armature. If series coil is left alone without any connection, then it becomes a shunt machine with the other coil connected in parallel. Placement of field coils for shunt, series and compound generators are shown in figure 38.1. Will develop rated voltage across the armature with reverse polarity.

Analysis Of Series-parallel Magnetic Circuit

2 min read
Analysis of series-parallel magnetic circuit: We now take up the following magnetic circuit (Figure A) which appears to be not so straight forward as the previous cases. As a first step to solve this circuit, we would like to draw its equivalent electrical representation. Vertical links of the core are called limbs and the horizontal links are called yoke of the magnetic circuit. In the figure PU, QT and RS are the limbs whereas PQ, QR, UT and TS are the yokes. It is customary to fix up the corner points P,Q,R etc from the given physical dimensions, joining of which will give you the mean length of the flux paths. fig(A) If the coil carries a current I in the direction shown, flux φ, produced in the first limb will be in the upward direction. Same φ is constrained to move along the yoke PQ. At point Q, two parallel paths are available to φ for its onwards journey namely (i) the central limb QT and (ii) the yoke QR. In other words, φ will be divided into two components φ1 and φ2 as shown with the obvious condition φ = φ1 φ2. The relative values of these components will be decided by respective reluctances of the paths. φ1 and φ2 once again recombine at point T and completes the path. Now in the path TUPQ flux φ is same, it is made of same material and has same cross sectional area A, then its reluctance ℜTU PQ ∞ TU PQlA. In the central limb, flux is same (φ1), however it encounters two materials, one is iron (QM and WT) and the other is a small air gap (MW). The reluctance of the air gap 0ggl=μAℜ. The two reluctances ℜQM and ℜWT of the magnetic material may however be combined into a single reluctance as ℜ1 = ℜQM ℜWT. The portion of the magnetic circuit which carries flux φ2 can be represented by a single reluctance ℜQRST ∞ QRSTlA. Instead of carrying on with long suffixes let us call ℜQRST to be ℜ2. To write down the basic equations let us redraw the electrical equivalence of the above magnetic circuit below (Figure B):

Synchronous Motors

3 min read
Synchronous Motors:Single phase synchronous motors are available in small sizes for applications requiring precise timing such as time keeping, (clocks) and tape players. Though battery powered quartz regulated clocks are widely available, the AC line operated variety has better long term accuracy-- over a period of months. This is due to power plant operators purposely maintaining the long term accuracy of the frequency of the AC distribution system. If it falls behind by a few cycles, they will make up the lost cycles of AC so that clocks lose no time. Above 10 Horsepower (10 kW) the higher efficiency and leading powerfactor make large synchronous motors useful in industry. Large synchronous motors are a few percent more efficient than the more common induction motors. Though, the synchronous motor is more complex. Since motors and generators are similar in construction, it should be possible to use a generator as a motor, conversely, use a motor as a generator. A synchronous motor is similar to an alternator with a rotating field. The figure below shows small alternators with a permanent magnet rotating field. This figure below could either be two paralleled and synchronized alternators driven by a mechanical energy sources, or an alternator driving a synchronous motor. Or, it could be two motors, if an external power source were connected. The point is that in either case the rotors must run at the same nominal frequency, and be in phase with each other. That is, they must be synchronized. The procedure for synchronizing two alternators is to (1) open the switch, (2) drive both alternators at the same rotational rate, (3) advance or retard the phase of one unit until both AC outputs are in phase, (4) close the switch before they drift out of phase. Once synchronized, the alternators will be locked to each other, requiring considerable torque to break one unit loose (out of synchronization) from the other.

Three Phase Synchronous Motor

4 min read
Three Phase synchronous motor: A 3-phase synchronous motor as shown in Figure below generates an electrically rotating field in the stator. Such motors are not self starting if started from a fixed frequency power source such as 50 or 60 Hz as found in an industrial setting. Furthermore, the rotor is not a permanent magnet as shown below for the multi-horsepower (multi-kilowatt) motors used in industry, but an electromagnet. Large industrial synchronous motors are more efficient than induction motors. They are used when constant speed is required. Having a leading power factor, they can correct the AC line for a lagging power factor. The three phases of stator excitation add vectorially to produce a single resultant magnetic field which rotates f/2n times per second, where f is the power line frequency, 50 or 60 Hz for industrial power line operated motors. The number of poles is n. For rotor speed in rpm, multiply by 60. The 3-phase 4-pole (per phase) synchronous motor (Figure below) will rotate at 1800 rpm with 60 Hz power or 1500 rpm with 50 Hz power. If the coils are energized one at a time in the sequence φ-1, φ-2, φ-3, the rotor should point to the corresponding poles in turn. Since the sine waves actually overlap, the resultant field will rotate, not in steps, but smoothly. For example, when the φ-1 and φ-2 sinewaves coincide, the field will be at a peak pointing between these poles. The bar magnet rotor shown is only appropriate for small motors. The rotor with multiple magnet poles (below right) is used in any efficient motor driving a substantial load. These will be slip ring fed electromagnets in large industrial motors. Large industrial synchronous motors are self started by embedded squirrel cage conductors in the armature, acting like an induction motor. The electromagnetic armature is only energized after the rotor is brought up to near synchronous speed.

Synchronous Condenser

4 min read
Synchronous condenser: Synchronous motors load the power line with a leading power factor. This is often usefull in cancelling out the more commonly encountered lagging power factor caused by induction motors and other inductive loads. Originally, large industrial synchronous motors came into wide use because of this ability to correct the lagging power factor of induction motors. This leading power factor can be exaggerated by removing the mechanical load and over exciting the field of the synchronous motor. Such a device is known as a synchronous condenser. Furthermore, the leading power factor can be adjusted by varying the field excitation. This makes it possible to nearly cancel an arbitrary lagging power factor to unity by paralleling the lagging load with a synchronous motor. A synchronous condenser is operated in a borderline condition between a motor and a generator with no mechanical load to fulfill this function. It can compensate either a leading or lagging power factor, by absorbing or supplying reactive power to the line. This enhances power line voltage regulation. Since a synchronous condenser does not supply a torque, the output shaft may be dispensed with and the unit easily enclosed in a gas tight shell. The synchronous condenser may then be filled with hydrogen to aid cooling and reduce windage losses. Since the density of hydrogen is 7% of that of air, the windage loss for a hydrogen filled unit is 7% of that encountered in air. Furthermore, the thermal conductivity of hydrogen is ten times that of air. Thus, heat removal is ten times more efficient. As a result, a hydrogen filled synchronous condenser can be driven harder than an air cooled unit, or it may be physically smaller for a given capacity. There is no explosion hazard as long as the hydrogen concentration is maintained above 70%, typically above 91%.

Construction Of Three-phase Induction Motor

5 min read
Construction of Three-phase Induction Motor: This is a rotating machine, unlike the transformer, described in the previous module, which is a static machine. Both the machines operate on ac supply. This machine mainly works as a motor, but it can also be run as a generator, which is not much used. Like all rotating machines, it consists of two parts − stator and rotor. In the stator (Fig. A), the winding used is a balanced three-phase one, which means that the number of turns in each phase, connected in star/delta, is equal. The windings of the three phases are placed 130o(electrical) apart, the mechanical angle between the adjacent phases being [2*120o/P], where p is no. of poles. For a 4-pole (p = 4) stator, the mechanical angle between the winding of the adjacent phases, is [2×120°/4=120°/2=60°]. The conductors, mostly multi-turn, are placed in the slots, which may be closed, or semi-closed, to keep the leakage inductance low. The start and return parts of the winding are placed nearly , 180° or (180°−β)apart. The angle of short chording (β) is nearly equal to 30o , or close to that value. The short chording results in reducing the amount of copper used for the winding, as the length of the conductor needed for overhang part is reduced. There are also other advantages. The section of the stampings used for both stator and rotor, is shown in Fig. (B). The core is needed below the teeth to reduce the reluctance of the magnetic path, which carries the flux in the motor (machine). The stator is kept normally inside a support fig(A) schematic diagram of the stator windings in a three_phase induction motor

Characteristics Of A Shunt Generator

4 min read
Characteristics of a shunt generator: We have seen in the previous section that one needs a separate d.c supply to generate d.c voltage. Is it possible to generate d.c voltage without using another d.c source? The answer is yes and for obvious reason such a generator is called self excited generator. Field coil (F1, F2) along with a series external resistance is connected in parallel with the armature terminals (A1, A2) of the machine as shown in figure (A). Let us first qualitatively explain how such connection can produce sufficient voltage. Suppose there exists some residual field. Therefore, if the generator is driven at rated speed, we should expect a small voltage (kφresn) to be induced across the armature. But this small voltage will be directly applied across the field circuit since it is connected in parallel with the armature. Hence a small field current flows producing additional flux. If it so happens that this additional flux aids the already existing residual flux, total flux now becomes more generating more voltage. This more voltage will drive more field current generating more voltage. Both field current and armature generated voltage grow cumulatively. This growth of voltage and the final value to which it will settle down can be understood by referring to (B) where two plots have been shown. One corresponds to the O.C.C at rated speed and obtained by connecting the generator in separately excited fashion as detailed in the preceding section. The other one is the V-I characteristic of the field circuit which is a straight line passing through origin and its slope represents the total field circuit resistance. fig(A) shunt generator fig(B) voltage build in shunt generator

Load Characteristic Of Shunt Generator

2 min read
Load characteristic of shunt generator: With switch S in open condition, the generator is practically under no load condition as field current is pretty small. The voltmeter reading will be Eo . In other words, Eo and Ia = 0 is the first point in the load characteristic. To load the machine S is closed and the load resistances decreased so that it delivers load current IL. Unlike separately excited motor, here IL ≠ Ia. In fact, for shunt generator, Ia = IL - If. So increase of IL will mean increase of Ia as well. The drop in the terminal voltage will be caused by the usual Iara drop, brush voltage drop and armature reaction effect. Apart from these, in shunt generator, as terminal voltage decreases, field current hence φ also decreases causing additional drop in terminal voltage. Remember in shunt generator, field current is decided by the terminal voltage by virtue of its parallel connection with the armature. Figure (A) shows the plot of terminal voltage versus armature current which is called the load characteristic. One can of course translate the V versus Ia characteristic into V versus IL characteristic by subtracting the correct value of the field current from the armature current. For example, suppose the machine is loaded such that terminal voltage becomes V1 and the armature current is Ia1. The field current at this load can be read from the field resistance line corresponding to the existing voltage V1 across the field as shown in figure (A). Suppose If1 is the noted field current. Therefore, ILl = Ia1- If1.Thus the point [Ia1, V1] is translated into [ILl, V1] point. Repeating these step for all the points we can get the V versus IL characteristic as well. It is interesting to note that the generated voltage at this loading is EG1 (obtained from OCC corresponding to If1). Therefore the length PQ must represents sum of all the voltage drops that has taken place in the armature when it delivers Ia.